I know i'm Sad but..


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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But i've moved onto next stage on ticker YAY :cheer: :cheer:

Only 4weeks 1 day till first scan..

have to wait until 13weeks, i thought it was 12 ? rang up, they said the do it from 13 now, as can see more? xx
lol, you'll feel like you are waiting forever if you count each day!

I expect the later they do the scan the better- it's between 10 and 13 weeks here but they probably put people's dates back 50% of the time- they put mine back by about 5/6 days :evil:

Have you got anything in the mean time to look foward to? x

It depends on different hospitals really. Anything between around 11-14 weeks seems normal...I was almost 14 weeks with mine but I did find out late. Can also depend on when they can fit you in x
That't not sad, I was so excited when I got onto that 3rd baby on my ticker. I think it's more exciting because it't the first one that actually looks like a real baby!

Apparently your dating scan should be somewhere between 11 and 14 weeks and most of them fall at 12.

I'll be 2 days off 13 weeks when I go for mine so only a couple of weeks to go......yipppppppppeeeeeeeeee
thanks for replys girls, i feel bit better, not as sad now hehe..

well its my Birthday on 27th :)

not got anything planned but i have booked week off work from 24th-30th..
so atleast i can get that well deserved lye in hehe..

Cant wait for scan, i'm feeling so positive lil Beans going to be ok..

for some reason, its just all clicked..

I dont care if i look fat and spotty, because my bodys doing an amazing job!

I'm only going to get bigger hehe..

And i kept worrying about m/c.. but what will be will be, and i'm healthy, and even tho i've no symtoms apart from being tierd.. so what.. lil Bean just givin me a break..

I dont know where this postive thinkin has come from.. cant only think from lil ticker lol :rotfl: xx
:lol: :lol: :lol:

don't worry- the more positive you feel the more positive 'bean' will feel! Eat loads and don't worry about putting on weight- thats's what you are supposed to be doing! Take advantage now, while you don't get heartburn after more than 5 mouthfuls!

hope you keep feeling this good! x
hehe, i know i should be greatful for lack of symtoms etc.. its just there jus dissapeard. but i'm going to stay postitive..

i've even worked out how to do avatar.. after about 20attempts lol..

lil bean at 6weeks 6days :) xx

hope your heart burn isnt too bad huni :hug: xx
hun, the positive thinking is the way ahead. I'm just 3 days ahead of you and I've also lost most of my symptoms. I haven't felt nauseous for over a week now, and I had it really bad up until then. I really worried about it to start with, but I've had no pain or bleeding so I'm sure it's all fine in there. Everyone's different, and the midwife told me that perhaps that's just the end of the morning sickness for me, which is only good news as far as I'm concerned! It'll probably come back with a vengeance now I've said that :lol:
i've just moved onto my 4th baby (use the ticker on another forum) and i felt just the same!!!

i still haven't even had my dating scan yet! mine is on Friday!
i can't believe some of you guys are already so far along! it seems like only a few days ago you were all getting BFP's. and obviously now i have mine. Hoping the next few weeks go fast for me too
i wish it'd gone fast..

each day has dragged..

but saying that i rember going shoppin gets preg tests, and sayin got BFP etc.. and that was just over 5weeks ago.. so yeh in a way its gone fast..

my OH is the sweetest EVER..

He's just come bk from work with a BIG MASSIVE..........

Pregnancy Book for me... So sweet!! xx
My sil had her first scan at 17 weeks!! :shock:
They couldnt fit her in before then!!
This is the hospital I was going to use (the one I did with my others) but I think I may go to a different one now!? :?

Im glad your feeling so good!! Its great isnt it when the worrying stops (even if temp) and you can just enjoy being pregnant!! :D:D:D:D

Aww how sweet of OH!!
Woohoo :cheer:

As for the scan, my friend didn't get hers until 14 weeks, I had my at 11+5 and thats the same hospital.
i was 15+5 when i had my dating scan from the NHS...which is why i went private at 12 weeks...then got put forward a few days which was ace!

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