I know i should feel lucky....


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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...but i keep thinking back to the pg i lost. there are a few people around me at the moment that are at the stage i would have been in, and it keeps knocking me back. I feel stupid for letting it get to me, as it hasn't taken me that long to fall pg again, but part of me keeps thinking that would have been me if the other pg had stuck around.

I keep trying to tell myself what was meant to be was meant to be. I could have got a lot further along and had loads of problems, and i may never have had the chance i have now. But i can't shake that little niggle.

Im not sure what writing it down will do. Im kinda hoping that it silences the voice in my head when i read it back and realise i just sound stupid and i need to snap out of it and enjoy what i have (that sentence makes me sound crazy, but im not sure how else to put it - oh you lot know what i mean). I don't expect any replies, i just need to get it down so it isn't at the front of my brain anymore.
it is only natural that you feel like this hun really does, i keep imaging that chloe, would be coming up to a yr and having her first xmas as well and it doesnt help well not all the time

its good to think of them but sometimes over thinking can make you feel like this and this is coming from someone who over thinks too much, :hug: :hug:

if it helps you hun to write it all out then that is great it really is it shows your dealing with it in a good way (might not seem like it) but writing it all down does help

you know where i am hun PM me anytime mean that if you want to chat bout anything

lots of love and hugs :hug: :hug:

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