I knew this would happen...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Well, I managed to find the babys heartbeat with my doppler a week ago and have heard it every day since, its been easier to find as the days have gone on.

Anyway, yesterday and today I couldnt find it. Been trying for hours today but no sign of it at all. I've also been having really gooey (sorry!) blobs of discharge (not like egg white, alot thicker). I've had no bleeding and only a few cramps which arent particularly bad.

I knew Id panic if I couldnt find the heartbeat and usually I tell myself the babys still tiny, but after 4 days of finding it with no problems Im a bit concerned that now I cant :?

OH says we'll go to the hospital but I told him the last thing they want is someone like me worrying when they've got much more important things to be doing!
Oh dear poor you well i wish you well hopefully everything is ok

Take it easy and mayb go for a check up and it will let u settle a bit mayb.
i wouldnt worry hun im sure everythings fine, i aint been able to find babys heartbeat by myself for a couple of days now, but when i went to the doctors they found it streight away, try not to worry

Sweetie, try not to panic, I had terrible trouble finding heartbeat successfully until around 16 weeks....baby could of moved position, placenta could be infrot of baby etc etc. Have you tried really low down above your bikini line? Thats where I found mine for the first few months...

The discharge sounds very normal, I got it, and still get it and had cramps until around 12 weeks

Pregnancy is such a worrrying time, no one warns you about the worry of it all!!

I am sure the midwife would put your mind at rest of you ring them?? X :hug:
hunny dont forget how small bubba is and how it can move around..bubs could be facing the other way or anything..sometimes midwives couldnt find haydens heartbeat when he was facing the other way! try not to worry too much! and its very normal to have lots of white discharge, and the cramping..think how much your uterus and everything has to change! anyway as this is your second i'm sure you know all this but its easier to worry isnt it..hope everything is ok, i'm sure its fine :hug: xx
I found full bladder was easier to find bubs
Its still so small hun he/shes probably just snuggled up somewhere in there lol!
I had a white discharge too i think through most of tri 1 and worried about it but told no one but i wish i'd asked as it appears to be normal.

As for the heartbeat when i saw m/w at 15 weeks before she listened for heartbeat she said it couldn't always be heard at 15 weeks depndant upon how deep the baby is lying so wouldn't worry yourself...The reason your stressing is the reason i didn't buy a doppler knew it would just stres me out if i couldn't find it

I was in your situation a cpl of weeks ago when i had trouble finding beans heartbeat, i was panicing but I purposely left it a cpl of days then tried again - it can stil take me at least 15 minutes to find it now and im almost 14 wks, im not sure how far gone you are but bubs tends to be tucked away beneath the pelvic bone, try angeling the probe downwards, and press a little.

Ive limited myself to listening just twice a week for the time being until bean gets bigger as it is stressful when you cant find it and its too small to give you a kick !

Hang in there and persevere, maby call your mw for advise ? I know my mw wasnt impressed that i had a doppler as she said they cause more probs than necessary in the early weeks lol.
Hey Kirsty....don't feel stupid for worrying :hug: ...its natural!! Remember too that the doppler you are using is for 12 weeks+ and that you are not a trained professional.

As the other girlies have said, bubs could be in a different position, hiding behind placenta....anything like that....up till about 2 weeks ago I couldn't find hb easily.....baby is so small at your stage that it just moves around all the time so its a real hunt to find in the first place.

PLEASE don't overworry yourself :hug: , its not good for you or bubs, and just try again when you're ready.......and as Jayceemumma says, a full bladder is best x

EDIT: Also, a good way to look at it, is not that you are unlucky or should worry that you can't find it now.....you were just super lucky to find it before ((big hugs)) :hug:
As above Kirsty.

Also don't forget that most people recommend that you don't use the doppler for more than 5 minutes at a time and that you keep its use to a minimum.

Although there is no evidence of dopplers doing any damage to growing babies, better safe than sorry.

So try and relax, maybe leave it until tomorrow and try again?
i wouldnt worry hun, when i went for my booking in appointment with mw at 12 weeks she wouldnt even attempt to find the heartbeat as she said the machines they use dont pick up till after 14 weeks and she said i would panic if she didnt find it. their machines have got to be better than the ones we use and if they wont use till after 14 weeks then i really wouldnt worry :hug: x

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