i just want to say something to you all!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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just wanna say thanks to everone for putting up with me over the past few months with my moaning and stuff, i bet you get fed up with me alot but i cant help it. It is just that i have put an incredible amount of weight on since being pregnant, far too much really and i am just having a hard time coming to terms with how i look and i find it hard coz i didnt have very much confidence before so i am struggling like mad now and it gets me really down. I am hoping it is mostly water coz i have put on nearly 6 stone :oops: and i dont understand how it has happened. Anyway thanks guys i dont know who else to moan to :hug:

Ah little lady, you're nearly there, don't worry! All I can say is, you must have been tiny before pregnancy! And honestly, you'll be amazed how much of the weight just falls off very soon after your little one arrives.

We're always here for you to moan to xxx
thankyou that makes me feel a little better xxx
you are great hun wouldn't be the same without you, and don't worry we can all loose weight together once the babies are here :hug: xx
Can I join you people say im to small for my stage but what they dont know is that most of it is fat so baby must really be small.
Im thinking of joining OH and Luke in karate after baby is born to help get rid of the fat. last time they waighed me I was 13 and a half stone :oops:
Its very scary I think when you havent been pregnant before and suddenly your gaining all this weight!!

I am usually a size 10/12 pre-pregnancy and just out of curiousity I tried on a pair of size 14 jeans (normal not maternity) and they would not do up!!

I didnt expect to get into them obviously but it was still a massive shock to the system.

I dread to think how much weight I have put on, when I last weighed myself at about 20 weeks I was 11 stone....but its all good cos its all for the baby :)
Big hugs to you hun, you haven't moaned too much at all, well no more than anyoe of us and lets face it thats what we are here for, to suport and encourage each other.
Keep smiling hun cause when the weight goes you'll still have the legacy in the shape of your little bundle :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i understand hun i was looking at my arms today and how much weight i have put on and i nearly cried! its hard but hopefully the breast feeding will help abit :)

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