I just thought it was a myth


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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The whole " pregnant ladies craving the sponge"
Well it really does turn out its not just a myth, i wasn't going to say anything but its got worse and i have bitten and chewed myself through 3 sponges this week.

It started Sunday when i smelt OH's shower gel on the sponge and though mmmmmmm yummy, so i sucked a bit, and before i knew it i was taking chunks out of it and chewing and sucking them in my mouth ( i haven't been swallowing them though, as much as its hard not too)

Now i have got through 3 sponges and it looks like a monster has been in my bathroom.......lol. The funny thing is they have to have the smell of OH's shower gel on them or i don't want to suck or chew them.

And i thought i had got away with just having a crisp craving. When i was pregnant with harrison it was radox bubble bath, so they may be a link here. Oh well at least there only the cheapo sponges from asda.....lol.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Mine is for Pearl soaop, it's pink stuff my granny used to have. I just sit there with the bar in my hand inhalling deeply :lol: OH thinks it might poision me.

Alex xxx
ASD123456 said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Mine is for Pearl soaop, it's pink stuff my granny used to have. I just sit there with the bar in my hand inhalling deeply :lol: OH thinks it might poision me.

Alex xxx

Thanks i dont feel like im a freak all on my own now........lmao
Chewing through sponges :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
what next :lol:
Hope you enjoyed them at least we know you have al ovely clean exfoliated face 8) :rotfl:
sponge was my craving too, I still have a ton of them in the bathroom! I havent touched one since bubs was born though, I kinda miss my sponge munching sessions LOL xx
My friend had a craving for mud and found herself sniffing and licking unwashed potatoes! :rotfl:
Iv been through about 6 sponges, 2 of them id bought for the baby :oops:
I wish I could eat them properly but your right, they are impossible to chew through!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I definitely think there is something in some soap products! My radox craving is still going strong... and I have a 'radox sponge' too - one i just use for soaping up radox and having a suck/chew...

ah the things pregnancy does to you!
I dont chew the sponge, that would be wierd :wink:

I do however have my special sponge which no-one is allowed to touch which i use in the bath and shower, i love the bubbles, then i wait for it to dry a little and every time i go in the bath room i smell it.

I've also take to the radox hand wash and sit smelling my hands constantly too.

I think soap must be a pregnancy thing, at least i know i'm cleaner now then i've every been before lol, i cant go a day without a nice long proper shower, with lots of shower gel
miffy said:
My friend had a craving for mud and found herself sniffing and licking unwashed potatoes! :rotfl:

:puke: Eeewww!!

As for the sponge craving, a friend of mine ate one while she was pregnant :|
I LOVE to sit and sniff the Radox Relaxing Bath Salts box. It's like a drug, I love it. Never did it before I was pregnant though.

My friend has a thing for chewing sponges... she isn't even pregnant. :think:
hmm.. i'm still obsessed with my cleaning products. one of the BEST things is the alco-gel they have in hospital to clean their hands with! there was a whole dispenser of it in my room when i was in hosp last weekend, i couldn't stop using it :rotfl:

i might try the sponge sucking in the shower later, it seems quite appealing :D
sarafet said:
one of the BEST things is the alco-gel they have in hospital to clean their hands with! there was a whole dispenser of it in my room when i was in hosp last weekend, i couldn't stop using it :rotfl:

OOOOOHHHHH!! I love that stuff! Whenever I am at the hospital I H.A.V.E to use it. I have OCD when it comes to germs so I am always washing my hands anyway but that stuff is amazing. I love sniffing my hands afterwards! :cheer:
Sponge was also my craving..unfortunately for me the cheapo honeycomb ones just wouldn't do, it had to be ramer sponges at £2.50 a pop from Boots! Id let them go dry and hard then chew them til they were soft.
The craving is still going strong 3 months after giving birth..just reading this thread has made my mouth water :oops:

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