Thanks beanie.
Am loving all the 's tonight! Really needed them!
Have had lots of mummy hugs!!! lol!!!
Have had an MSN rant and feeling better, so will be having a chat with him tomorrow with a clearer head!!!
Am gonna have a cig (yes the stopping smoking is going well!) and then get to bed!!!!
And to show what a committed charter i am, in my fury i remembered to pack my thermometer to bring with me!!!
Sending you big hugs babe, I know things are a little confusing right now, but after a nice sleep you might feel better in the morning, and more clear ready to talk to DH again.
So sorry to hear you're having problems .... I really hope you guys can work through this together ..... GOOD LUCK with your 'chat' today ... Your relationship sounded strong from previous posts .... so I really hope you guys can move forward and get the trust back......
As loads of others have said, we're all here if you need us ... PM or MSN .... hell ... I'm online all the damn time (work ) ... so I'll always be here if you want to laugh/cry/rant/chat .....
Again ..... good luck for today ..... thinking of you hon .... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey hun Iv only just seen this post I hope its nothing to serious and you and DH sort things out. big hugs hope your chat goes well. men eh! Cause us nothing but grief and worry!
Hi Hayley, hope you are feeling a little bit better today, im sorry you are having problems and I hope you manage to sort things out, sending you big hugs x
Omg i feel terrible to be the last one to see this post! U must think im horrible!
I hope u can work things out honey its such a shame ur stopping ttc u'd make a tops mummy!! Let us know how it goes and i hope this 'problem' of his isnt too serious and he can quit it asap!
Awww Fankya everyone!!!
Rach Chip just made me smile!!!
Am feeling a bit better this morning, had a good sleep in my old bed with Charley dog enjoying lulu not being here! He's just woken me up!
Have had a text off G asking when i want picking up... so gonna face the music later. Will probably be back on later letting you guys know how it went!
Fingers crossed we can step forwards, thank you for all your support and advice and stuff girls, means a lot!!
(Lauz what you doing in ttc you'll get yourself shot my OH!!!)
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