I just need to say...

Hayley I really hope you guys sort things out.

A good nights sleep & a night apart can do wanders sometimes

:hug: x
I think a night apart will have helped things calm down. If you both are willing to talk through it then you'll both probably get over this bump fine.

Sending lots of hugs :hug:
owwwww hayley im sorry yor going through a hard time sending you another big hug seems u have had loads thought ild give you two too :lol:

:hug: :hug:
Aww hun, a night or two apart really does help! You can both gather your thoughts and think about what u say or do before u do it! Sometimes its better to have the agruement planned in ur head so u dont say thinks u dont mean in the heat of the moment! I hope all goes well and u can make a fresh start with him..
U know where we are girlie!! Hugs n kisses!!! :hug: (theres no 'kiss' icon! :? )
thinking of you haylay, hope things went ok today :hug:
Hey girlies!
Today went ok, a night apart seemed to do us the world of good, and although theres a lot he needs to do to "get back to normal" he's taken the first steps last night like i asked him to, so thats a good start! :D

Am back home now, trying to get my msn working so i can chat to you girls!

We've agreed to continue TTC whilst he's getting sorted, and as a good wife i'll be supporting him!! lol!!!

Thank you everyone for the wishes and the hugs, they're really appreciated!! :hug: You're all stars!! :hug:
That sounds like a good start babe..........I wish you the best of luck hun :hug: xx
oh sweetheart, that sounds like a really positive start...I can 'hear' from your posts you're a supportive kind of a wife. G is lucky to have you I say.

Glad you'll be sticking around for my own selfish reasons, but also very glad you're on the first step to sorting things for the two of you x :hug:
lol @ selfish reasons!! :rotfl: Don't get why but fair enough!! :lol:
I'll be around for awhile longer anyways!!
Especially knowing that you girls are here supporting me, and each other!!

you're all big shining stars!!!! :hug: :cheer:
sorry i have just read the thread babe. i am glad that you are doing better and staying with us, i feel like i am getting toknow each of you the more i read. glad you are working things out together, hope everything falls into place for you both real soon. xox
hi hayley ive only just seen this.
i hope ur feeling bit better an glad uve kinda sorted things.
:hug: :hug: :hug: heres a couple more hugs .
chin up
well actually it was more than a couple lol (i didnt want to seem to thick)
Yay!!! lots of hugs!!!!
Hugs for all!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Am feeling a lot better today, he seems to have realised what he's done and what a night alone feels like!
Think i scared him!
When he came to my mums yesterday he said "are you coming home tonight?" Bless him!!

Had lots of talking and cuddles, and fingers crossed everything should be better than normal!!! :D
ah hayley, glad things are looking up, lets hope he makes it up to you and you can both move forward. :hug:
HayleyB said:
Awww Fankya everyone!!!
Rach Chip just made me smile!!! :lol: :lol:

Am feeling a bit better this morning, had a good sleep in my old bed with Charley dog enjoying lulu not being here! He's just woken me up!

Have had a text off G asking when i want picking up... so gonna face the music later. Will probably be back on later letting you guys know how it went!

Fingers crossed we can step forwards, thank you for all your support and advice and stuff girls, means a lot!!

(Lauz what you doing in ttc you'll get yourself shot my OH!!!)


:shhh: :shhh: :shhh: dont tell him :D Im just being noesy and having a browse! Window shopping hehe

Glad you have got things sorted and are continuting to TTC :D did you mention earlier that you are ovlulating? Hurry up then missy and dont miss out this month :D time for the BD
Hi hayley, sorry I have only just read your post but im sending you lots of belated hugs to cheer you up. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I think sometimes a good telling off keeps men on their toes. Girl power! Staying away has made him probably realise how upset you are.
Thinking of you hun and good luck. x
he he!!

:cheer: Girl power!!! :cheer:


Can't believe the response to this thread!!!

Thank you all girls, i feel so loved!! :rotfl: :hug: :rotfl:


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