I just need to say...


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2005
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I don't think we'll be TTC anymore.
I won't go into reasons.
I'll still be charting and chart stalking, cos i need to know that i am ovulating and that my body isn't in as much of a mess as my head is!

So i'll still be about, just not as much as i have been!!

I can't believe i'm crying as i type this!! :shhh: :cry: :shhh:

Good luck to all with TTC... and pray lots of BFP's come your way soon

Thank you for all the hugs and support you've given me over the past few months.

:hug: xox :hug:
Awwwwww babe, I am so sorry........I hope you are feeling better soon and possibly start trying again in the not to distant future :hug: xx
Oh Hayley I hope you are ok & it's a personal decision & not problems :hug:

Glad you'll be sticking around though :hug:

Know where I am if you need someone to rant to.

I wish i could explain whats going on...
but i just don't think i can.
I really hope we manage to sort things out, but i don't know if i can face him at the moment.
All i ever wanted was a decent man, no dodgyness, i really thought that G was that man.... And i want to be a mum, more than anything in the world.

Just feels like the odds are stacked against me in all directions right now!
Awww Hayley I hope things get better TTC can be such a strain on all areas of your relationship.

x x
I wish it was the TTC that was messing up the marriage, unfortunately its not :( which at the moment is making it harder for me to deal with!

And its not even one of those things thats talked about to be able to talk to anyone about it!! :wall: :cry:
Oh hayley, you sond so down :hug:

you know we will always be here for you no matter what
Oh Hayley, I'm so sorry to hear that :(

I hope that you manage to work things out with your DH, know how it feels when things go wrong, keep your chin up and I'm sure that you will work it all out.

Good luck with whatever happens from here and hope to see you back soon! x

Sending a biiiig hug.. :hug:
Aw Hayley, you know Im always here if you want to PM me and have a chat. I hope you and DH manage to sort things out.

Thinking of you!
Ah Hayley

We love you so. Don't leave us.........You've been such a great help and inspiration to me and a great source of advice and info (as are so many of you, if you only knew how much).

I hope you'll be ok and Graham will be too. I'm really, really sory to hear you've got problems :cry: .

As everyone has said, if you want to talk or share the problem, someone may be able to help. You say it's not something that's talked of so it's harder to talk about - but always it's better to talk to someone, even if it's us faceless, nameless, unknown people. You can't shock us or upset us, so if it helps you at all, post away or pm one of us..... sending you big helpful vibes and hugs :hug:

Pea x

Hope things work out ok for you and DH and is just some temporary blip that makes you both stronger. You've been so supportive towards me and I want to echo what the other folks have said. :hug:

Take care (don't go!!)



Best wishes Hayley
Alice x
i know i dont know u, and u dont know me, but uve replied to alot of my posts and i feel as if im slowly gettin 2 know u a bit, big hugs :hug: :hug: chin up thinkin of u xx
Thanks girlies for all your hugs and messages!!
Wasn't expecting a response like this!!

Am staying at my mum's tonight, i just couldn't face him and needed to calm down!
Am pretty sure i've over-reacted with the whole stopping TTC thing, but we'll need time to work through this "rough patch" first!

Men are so much more complex than they let on! I won't be sharing what he's done with you girlies, as much as i feel i need to.... I don't want him to be judged. (although if it gets to me i'll probably make a post about it!)
he's not cheated on me or anything like that... I think i'd be able to deal with that a bit better!!!

We'll be having a chat tomorrow, seeing where we're gonna go forward and stuff... He's got a lot of first steps he needs to take, and only he can take them.

Think the thing thats hurt me the most is that we've had a "no secrets" relationship and he felt he couldn't talk to me about his "problem" and i had to discover it. So i don't know if he's feeling bad for himself cos he's been busted, or cos of his problem!!!

Men!!! :x

Love to all, and thank you girlies!!! :hug: :hug:
You don't have to explain a thing hun regardless of teh reason your upset & I do hope you guys work it out.

BIG :hug: x

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