i just don't feel pregnant.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Does anyone else have this? I just am not feeling pregnant. I am carrying extra weight on my stomach so I can't see or notice a bump. My sickness and nausea has nearly gone and I am worried that something isn't right. Can anyone put my mind at rest?

I'm still in Tri1, so not much advice hun. But I do know that its totally normal to feel 'normal' after 12/13 weeks, I was moaning to my doc the other day about the sickness lol! He told me just to wait 2/3 weeks and it would be away and I could start properly enjoying being pregnant! Try and enjoy it now your nausea is away hun :) nows the time for all the fun things like.. baby shopping :dance:;) lol xxxx
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You are in tri 2 now hun and the symptoms are meant to go away there really is nothing I can say to look out for or that you should be feeling we are in the between stage where you don't really feel it and you don't look it.

Have you tried typing pregnancy week by week into google for a couple of sites that have a week by week development section? Might help as they normally have a mum section on them that tells you how you might be feeling and what to look out for xx
Hey, just wanted to say that I have felt like that for the last 6 weeks or so!
I had a relatively easy Tri 1, and im still not showing that much, so I can easily get away with not 'looking pregnant', especially in this weather!
I have been feeling really well, walking miles each week, swimming twice a week, never been so active!
I dont feel pregnant at all!! I may be in some form of denial!
But its a really good thing - at this stage is where you are meant to be 'glowing' - im not sure im glowing though!
In fact, the only thing that reminds me that im pregnant, is the little kicks and pops I now get.

Just enjoy it and go along for the ride - whilst everyone else curses us along the way, lol!
I was exactly the same as you until a few weeks ago, enjoy!!! xxxx
oh flopsy id say enjoy it while you can! i look about 30 bloody weeks with a huge round bump and i have constant back ache lugging it around all the time - especially cos im on my feet all day at work. Id love to feel normal for a bit x
All your symptoms disappear cause your at the time when the placenta starts to take over so your hormones aren't as crazy, I had the same wonder, and I still don't really feel pregnant unless baby is kicking ! Just enjoy it cause I hear nausea can come back in tri 3 ! Hope I helped hun :hugs: x
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Hey Flopsy!

I've been very lucky so far and haven't had much sickness at all. For the past 10 days or so i've felt completley normal apart from the odd bit of gagging here and there. I'm worried too but i'm just trying to enjoy being back to normal incase it doesn't last for long! :)

I feel pretty much 'normal' too. Try not to worry too much and enjoy the lack of sickness/sore boobs/tiredness and so on :D xx
I felt like that with my 2nd. With my 1'st I had MS, lots of movement early on and constant heartburn as a reminder every minute of the day. With my 2nd... Nothing!! It would have been quite easyto forget I was pregnant (well until I became the size of a bus)
I feel completely normal lol! Apart from getting a bit more bloat! Had no symptoms throughout! xx
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