I just can't believe there's going to be a baby - anyone else?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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Morning all,

Hope you're all OK? I am about 6 weeks pregnant with my second baby. No matter what I do, I just can't believe there's going to be a baby, I just can't picture it actually happening. Does anyone else feel like this?

I tried to do another digi this morning, thinking that if it showed 3+ (the last one having showed 2-3) it would be reassurance that the pregnancy was going well. But I somehow did the test wrong (I often do this with CB digis!), and so now I just feel that's proof that it's not going to happen.

I've also been on anti-depressants, and am trying to wean myself off them, so I know that that will be having something to do with the way I'm feeling.

I also found out that someone else in my circle of friends is due within days of me, which makes me even more anxious, because I can't imagine losing this baby, then having to watch as she has a healthy baby.

I don't know what I'm looking for by posting on here, I guess I just need to get it off my chest.

Thanks for reading. xx
I know exactly how you feel! This is my first and I just can't get my head round the fact there's someone growing inside me!! In fact I've convinced myself that there isn't. Just want a scan so I can see it!!
Hope you get the assurance you need soon. It's so hard when we can't actually see it xx
I get that totally. It's like I feel stupid saying I'm pregnant because I somehow don't think it will come to a point where I have the baby.

Mind you I felt like this last time to the point where I was in labour crying because I didn't think I was going to get to bring the baby home.

It's like I feel like I'll have a scan and there will be nothing there
I've got 3 children this is my 4th if everything goes ok still doesn't seem real lol x
This was a total surprise pregnancy for me and I'm with you on the disbelief thing lol!! Kept saying for weeks 'looks like we MIGHT be having another baby' but now I've had my MW appt it feels a bit more real! Won't feel real till I see a baby on that screen tho!
This is my third and I'm finding it hard to believe that I am pregnant too. Last time I had pretty sore breasts and lots of sickness and this time nothing...all the symptoms I had before the BFP have calmed down but still no AF so I guess everything is good. My GP says not to question it and has me booked in with the midwife :) I bought a baby blanket when I decided to TTC and now I am pregnant, I bought a newborn set and a little horse cuddly toy and put it in the baby box like I done with my last two pregnancies x
I don't think it really hits you until a few weeks after birth and your so sleep deprived you're nearly insane....!

PP xXx
I felt exactly the same, I didn't feel like I was pregnant either because I didn't show until later on. To be honest it was only after our 20 week scan when I knew it was a girl it started to feel real and I could properly plan things xx

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