i have to say sorry - amd ask for advise.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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to everyone ive had a go at for weaning before 6 months. because im starting to believe you have to go off what your child signals.. not what doctors say to do..

i wanted to get to 6 months.. as well as 1-2 breastfeeds a day edwards draining 5 9oz bottles a day.. so ive made him an extra bottle at night and hes snacking on that.. and finishing it by the morning so thats 6 9oz bottles in 24 hrs.(i know the packet says he should be on 7oz for his weight and 5 feeds a day but if hes hungry i have to give it to him)

over the last 3 weeks edwards night time sleep has been progressivly gettign worse.. going from waking 2 xs a night to 33 times from 7pm to 1.30 am..with snacks of about 2oz in that 6 and a half hour long fidgit.. i got up at 1.30 gave him full bottle, changed his nappy.. took him back to bed he slept solidly for an hour and then started fidgiting again.. :roll: its diving me insane.. im crap on little sleep anyway.. but when you get about 2 hrs and that 2 hrs is disturbed sleep most people would go bonkers..
i decided that somethings not right.. so told alex to take the cot off the side of the bed and put the cot side on and he was getting some baby rice before bed to try and fill him. he had about 2 spoonfulls of rice mixed with milk.. he ate almost all of it then had a little drink of milk about 2 oz.. i washed him and dressed him for bed.. and layed him in his cot.. i put the tv on and he layed there for aobut 20 mins before getting ratty.. so i posted my arm through the cot side and fed him his bottle.. he drained it while sleeping and fell asleep in hs cot by himself (he couldnt see me as i was laying out of his view) :cheer:

he stured at around 10pm and 1am so i gave him his bottle he had about 2 oz each time.. then he woke around 5.. so i took him out of his cot and layed him in bed with us and fed him the rest of his bottle and half of another (10oz) and slept till 7.30coz i had to wake him up for school and work run.

i would like honest opinions on what you would do.. would you wean or just carry on upping the milk..hes having about 50-54oz in 24 hrs right now. and hes 20 weeks..
MY HV told me as long as the baby has passed the 17wk mark, you can start on a small amount.
my hv said that to.. but said they should double their birth weight.. and otehr stuff.. like hol their heads n shit.. but he does hold his head.. hes grabbing stuff in my hand.. spoon.. banana, icecream.. and shoving them in his mouth..
Lily has one bowl of baby cereal a day I know she "shouldnt" have it yet as she isnt at the correct stage. But lshes been like Ed but its been for the last three weeks she has been screaming every hour for more food, waking up alll through the night when she normally sleeps 12hrs straight. SHe holds her head up watches us eat grabs things. I know she hasnt doubled her birth weight but she needs something else so shes having it. My mum weaned all four of us at 3 months and not one of us has any allergies.

Hope you get it sorted :hug:
Baby smile has been doing exactly the same - but he doesn't seem ready to wean yet - I think it is just the mad 4months thing...
lisa&alex said:
my hv said that to.. but said they should double their birth weight.. and otehr stuff.. like hol their heads n sh*t.. but he does hold his head.. hes grabbing stuff in my hand.. spoon.. banana, icecream.. and shoving them in his mouth..

are you sure that Eds not just trying to make up for lost time? :think: He was a big baby born and lost quite a bit with all the medical problems he's had recently... he could just be demanding food because he's trying to catch up... :D

Lil miss showing all the signs of weaning too... is double her birth weight and she likes to put everything in her mouth that I'm eating but she puts everything in her mouth and tries to eat it atm :roll: She also tries to drink out of our cups and grabs my spoon if I'm eating cereal or yoghurt and tries to feed herself :roll: She has diluted apple juice in a cup as its hot here but the only reason I would currently consider weaning (and I'll discuss this with the paediatrician next week) is because her reflux is getting worse... its taking me an hour to feed her, I sit her up, she pukes the lot up, demands more and the cycle starts again... :roll:

tbh, I would discuss Eds situation with the GP although didn't you say a while back the doctors had told you to start weaning him? :think:
My HV advised me to start weaning at around 4 months as my sons weight started droping so he wasn't getting enough from the milk.

We have took it very slowly and he is doing great. Gow with the flow and go with what suits your lo. x
I forgot to say that my HV also told me that by the time my son gets to 26 weeks, his milk intake should be reduced to around 600mls a day. x
thanks for replys.. he was on hipp organic.. but now on farleys coz paradysso switched hatty and said hipp isnt cheaper the scoop is bigger.. so ive switched his milk sunday..(also i hasd forgot it was sunday and shops were shut and we had run out and shop didnt have hipp)

ive made some dinners up for him.. avacado, apple and pear puree and squash, potato, broccoli and cauliflour and carrot puree and frozen it ready for him as i had extra vegies..

god i dunno.. i know this sounds selfish but i need sleep.. and so does he.. this faffyness is just rediculous now..2 hrs sleep is impossible to live on.. im gonna try and bulk him up with milk tonight and see how he is tonight without the rice.. if he faffs im gonna give him rice tmro..

bloody children.. who'd av um!
lisa what about adding a spoon of baby rice to his bottle ? do u have big enough teats for that ?
I think if you feel he his giving you clear signs that he is ready and he seems okay then go for it.
G3M said:
lisa what about adding a spoon of baby rice to his bottle ? do u have big enough teats for that ?

You really shouldn't add anything to their milk, apparently it's quite dangerous and can be a choking hazard. Babies can't control what they swallow from a bottle as well as they can when they're fed off a spoon/feed themselves, so they can easily choke and inhale the milk into their lungs, causing breathing problems.

http://www.drgreene.org/body.cfm?id=21& ... il&ref=861
From the age of two months up to six months, you should be feeding your baby 120-180ml / 4-6oz at a feeding, and he'll have anything from 700ml to over a litre / 23 to 35oz a day.

Once your baby reaches six months, you can feed him anywhere from 180-220 ml / 6-8oz at a feeding, and his total formula intake should be roughly 900ml / 32oz per day.

hes having about 50+oz in 24 hrs.. omg!! is that normal lol.. yesterday he had 6 and a half bottles.. of 9oz..and the half was 4oz..so that was 58oz.. hes almost having double of what he should be having?? and 3 bfs to..(which probably wasnt much) also.. he was aweful last night.. he woke up loads again..think its gonna have to be a bit of baby rice before bed..
Just wanted to say that I was really anti weaning at 4 months when I had Ella (mainly did BLW with her) and was planning to get Alex to 6 months. But he was just SO hungry though and was feeding near constantly day and night, it's very tiring!

I tried him with food at 4 months, (knowing the risks of early weaning) and he took it once or twice but refused it all the other times. It seemed though he was hungry he wasn't physically capable and didn't want the solids. I felt awful as I was trying to give him food to stop him from feeding off me so much but he didn't actually want it. In the end I would leave it a week or two and try him again and it wasn't until he was about 24 weeks he started eating a little.

All babies are different, my two prove that point as they were total opposites! Ella was always well, fed fine, slept like an angel and Alex was a hungry poorly monster who was always being sick and woke up 2 hourly throughout the night.

Go with what you feel is best :)
Kina said:
G3M said:
lisa what about adding a spoon of baby rice to his bottle ? do u have big enough teats for that ?

You really shouldn't add anything to their milk, apparently it's quite dangerous and can be a choking hazard. Babies can't control what they swallow from a bottle as well as they can when they're fed off a spoon/feed themselves, so they can easily choke and inhale the milk into their lungs, causing breathing problems.

http://www.drgreene.org/body.cfm?id=21& ... il&ref=861

sorry i had read somewhere that it was something you could do , lelands milk has gaviscon in it so there;s noway i could actually add something to his anyway .
I would wait a week or so to make sure its not a growth spurt as that could be the reason. You know him best Lisa and you know whether he's ready or not, its a trial and error thing, theres no harm in trying him and if he doesnt take to it then leaving it a bit longer. Good luck with what you decide chick x

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