I have to cancel my holiday :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Booked holiday in september last year, to go to turkey in spetember this year...

I have paid £870 off it already and only owe £280 yet my docter has told me i wont be able to go, because i will be having a section when this baby is born i have to stay at home for 6 weeks, i can undertsnad but contacted travel agents and they said under the insurance it doesnt cover that kind of thing, i have to be on deaths door apparantly to get my money back, they said if i pay the outstanding balance, then i can appeal against there descion, but i still may be left with paying the balance and getting no where, im a bit worried as i dont wanna fork out another £280 to be told i wont get my money back after all.....

Even to move the holiday to a later date will end up costing us more money and we thought september is nice as it isnt as hot as the rest of the year,

Anyone been in this boat, what was your outcome...
:evil: Sounds like bulls%!t to me Sunshinestars, any holiday insurance company or travel agent that is atol protected should pay up if your holiday has to be cancelled on doctors orders, no matter what the exact medical condition. I would take this further and what ever you do don't hand over more money!! If you are goint to cough up anymore make sure its to a legal professional who can give you some proper advice because this sounds decidedly fishy to me!!
It sounds really shady that you have to pay out more before you can try to get the money back! :think:
I'd worry about that.
I really hope you can get your money back somehow, I've got my fingers crossed for you.
I thought it was odd as well, paying the balance before them even contemplating weather i could get my money back, im going back to the gp to see what he says, maybe he will write a letter to them explaining why i cant go, then i will go seek some advice from c.a.b and see what they say, i only have untill the 3rd june to pay the balance as well so it needs to be looked at asap, i will let you know how we get on and what happens..
can somebody else go ,mind you theyd have to change their name too and that costs money. such a shame that tho
No not really enn, it would mean i would have to find a family of 4, and trust them to pay the balance...
You will be fully reimbursed due to it being "Medical".
I booked a holiday to Greece back in 2000 for me, Mum and step-dad. My sister fell really ill (she wasn't booked to come) so step-dad stayed behind in the UK to be with her and Mum and I went alone. We were fully reimbursed his section of the holiday payment and didn't have to pay the supplement for the larger room that we were booked into because it was supposed to be for 3 adults. On medical grounds they can't refuse you a refund....unless you have't got any travel insurance.
I'm sorry you are having to go through this too Sunshine. I had almost the same thing with my holiday to Greece this year. It was booked for May and I'll be past the date safe to fly. I have lost all my deposit (£260) and am currently in debate with the insurance company about whether they will give me any money. They also will be deducting the excess on the policy too. :(

Although pregnancy is a medical condition it isn't always covered in insurance policies. You will need to check the small print of the policy to be sure. I'd advise you also to find out your rights with the CAB if you can too.

I think it may help your claim if your doctor writes a letter about the reason for postponement. But be aware some doctors will charge you to do this. My surgery want £35 for a letter/form to be filled. All these charges mean even less reimbursement for me IF I get it.

:hug: You have my sympathies :hug: I will never book a package holiday so far in advance again. :(
Nicola Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 13:47 pm Post subject:


You will be fully reimbursed due to it being "Medical".


This is not the case on the majority of insurance claims, also is it the travel agents insurance that they are talking about or your own holiday insurance?".

you could try contacting the financial ombudsman and they will be able to advise you

Surely they should class a c-section as an operation rather than just pregnancy related :? I mean, once the baby is born you are no longer pregnant if you get what I mean. Might be something to argue on? But then, if it's planned they might use that as an excuse to get out of paying. It's a tricky one :?
Well i still havent had any joy from the travel agents, im going to look in to it further,.

My section isnt planned but it will be highly likly i will have to have one because of my last pregnancy, i would love to go natural and go on holiday but if its docs orders to have a section then i guess i have to dont i..

I feel like im in a no win situation on this one and looks like i will loose out on £1100 :?
I'm wondering why you can't travel after a c-secion, sounds stupid but hubby had an operation 2 years ago, last day or so of July. By the 4th August we were on a cruise ship in Egypt!! I know he was still sore etc but the rest and sunshine done him the world of good. Perhaps policy has changed in the past two years? I don't know but since you can be up and walking around a few days past a c-section I don't know why you can't go. I should have posted this earlier but I only just thought about it.
nicola, i will also have had surgery to be sterilised as well huni, after you have that done you are supposed to take it easy, and i wont be able to will i with 3 young children under the age of 5, lugging all the luggage etc..

I know you can go, but by rights your supposed to take it easy for 6 weeks after, also baby will only be 6 weeks old
Ahh didn't realise you were having additional surgery.
Didn't realise they done things at the same time as a c-section because the section is generally considered huge abdominal surgery anyway. Mind you I was enquiring about a tummy tuck!! :lol:
Theres 2 types of surgery it can be done by, one is surgical where the make a small bikkni line cut and do it that way or the other way is where the use long needle thingys to burn your tubes cut apparently, as im having a section they said they wil do it at the same time, im having tubes cut and tied...

Have to rest to enable that area to heal as well.... :hug:
Makes sense! My theory was opt for a c-section and instead of stitching the two open bits together cut a few inches off and re-stitch the higher up bit back to the bottom bit....they seem to think that's not possible. Hello, what else does tummy tuck mean!! Hehehe :wink:
Nicola said:
Makes sense! My theory was opt for a c-section and instead of stitching the two open bits together cut a few inches off and re-stitch the higher up bit back to the bottom bit....they seem to think that's not possible. Hello, what else does tummy tuck mean!! Hehehe :wink:

LOL that would be quite cost effective and think of all the carbon emmissions you are saving by having one lot of surgery instead of two :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hey perhaps I could push that point....carbon friendly surgery!! Hehehe mind you considering I want as natural as possible home birth I'd be causing emissions rather than saving them!! I do like your thinking though!! :)

Seriously though, I have asked about, some NHS hospitals, some private hospitals that do cosmetic surgery etc...none of them would have it and advised 2 procedures instead of one....I don't fancy either in all honesty I was just wishful thinking away my baby gained weight!! :)

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