Cancelling my holiday!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Unfortunately due to my back pain and after consultation with my midwife I am going to cancel my 3 week trip to Canada. We were going to be driving round in an RV checking out the country but have decided that it may too much for me to cope with. I'm hoping we should be able to claim back on the insurance, the midwife says that she will write a letter for the insurance company and if so will probably book a week somewhere in Europe for a lazy beach/poolside holiday.

I was quite upset at first but I'm starting to realise it is probably for the best, I think I would have been fairly uncomfortable driving/looking around too much. I already feel like I don't want to do too much so a lazy holiday will be much more my style.

Does anyone have any recommendations for Europe destinations? My midwife mentioned that she would stay away from Greece, Turkey and Spain in terms of their medical facilities. Shame really as the Spanish holidays are the cheapest - I wonder if she meant Portugal as well as Spain? It would be in May sometime so anywhere on the Med should be nice weather, I think.
Oh no, what a shame :(

Med holiday sounds fab, not sure about destinations. I would have thought Spain would be OK despite what your midwife said. What about Cyprus?

A holiday in the sun sounds just the tonic right now :D
Aww sorry to hear that hun :hug: But hopefully you'll find something else that will be just as good and something to look forward too.

OH and I are just going to North of France to stay with my Nan for 5 days. But I have been to Malta before which was cheap and nice and hot? But not sure at all what healthcare was like.

My ex ended up in hospital in Turkey which is when we discovered he had a brain tumor. He was there for 5 days and kept referring to the hospital as a hotel as it was that nice and he highly recommended their care and treatment. x
OH says we'll have to go to Canada with the LO next year instead. I'm not sure that is entirely realistic but we'll see :)

I really liking the thought of lying on a beach reading books for days and keeping up my swimming too. Cyprus and Malta do sound lovely, thanks for the suggestions :D

I think the midwife was thinking of European countries that have reputations for slightly worse healthcare than the others just in case something happens and I might need medical assistance. I don't think I'm going to rule them out though, I'm sure I've read a few ladies here on the forum live out in Spain and seem to have been fine throughout their pregnancies in regard to the care they've received.

That's great about the Turkish hospital being like a hotel. I wonder if I could time going out there to coincide with my due date :think: :wink:

Hope you have a lovely time in France when you go Hideilu :D
Oh thats a shame about your holiday, but a beach getaway sounds just as good! I would definately recommend Cyprus if you are considering the medical care side of things. There is a very large ex-British community out there and as such their health care is very much similar to ours, and there actually a couple of British hospitals too. A friend of mine's mum moved out there when her husband became terminally ill so they could enjoy their final time together and they chose the country specifically because of the medical care.
Italy for the med, but not sure aboout the healthcare at all. Oh no i know a little, they don't really go for confidentiality (try explaining to a docter you have a UTI in front of 4 male receptionists at your camp ground). But they had called the docter for me in the first place.

You poor thing!!

Your midwife hasnt really given you alot of options, im going to Gran Canaria at the end of April and a friend of mine went to Portugal when she was in her 2nd tri, i know loads of people that have been to Spain when pregnant!!

The only advice i would give is watch what you eat and stick to bottled water and you will be fine.

Thinking about i watched a baby documentry on sky and the women on there went to portugal and starting bleeding and the hospital were great and everything was fine in the end!

Hope you find somewhere x x
Thanks for the replies girls :D

That's very interesting about the Cyprus healthcare lisa, I'm sure the rest of Europe is absolutely fine too. OH really likes the sound of Italy but I would just be happy with a pool, sandy beach and a decent bed :D

lol Sandi, I hope you weren't too embarrassed, I'm sure it wasn't anything they hadn't heard before ;)

Thanks for the advice Gem, I'm not very adventurous foodwise and I like my meat well done :D Also I'll add Portugal to the list too!
We went to Banff in Canada at christmas in the early stages of pregnancy, and the flight was just sooo long! I think you've made the right decision tbh. Our's was a ski-ing holiday, but I obviously couldn't do it being pregnant! DH and our LO enjoyed it though, but I was in the height of morning sickness! I'd say Spain is a safe bet really. We are going on 22nd April for 2 weeks, it's a cheap break in the sun! Plus the flight is only 2 and a half hours. I HATE FLYING, even when i'm not pregnant. The sun and a break should do your back good xxx
Sorry you've had to cancel your holiday. I think Spain would be a great alternative, my first child was born there and the hospitals were fantastic. We are also off to Spain for a 2 week holiday in June. The flight is'nt too long either so wont have to sit for long.

Hope you get something else booked.

Amy xx
Sorry to hear you've cancelled Mildly, but sounds like a very wise decision :) I'm sure you'll find somewhere just lovely and get plenty of relaxation and sun :hug: I've always wanted to go to Canada, Vancouver Bay particularly, to see the Orca pods, I do hope you get there one day :hug:
aww shame you have to cancel, but a holiday in the sun sounds nice :D
sorry to hear that, best not to be driving and walking too much with that back pain though.
I just got back from the Canari Islands and they are guarenteed good weather all year round, they're beautiful, and oh SO relaxing. we had a week of sleepy poolside swimming and dinners. It was lovely, and the flight was only 4hours.
Aw what a shame, but I think you've made the right decision.

I lived in Spain and Portugal for a year and had to use both country's medical facilities - I had some gynaecholgical problems and my friend had a kidney infection - and we found them fine. The doctors didn't tend to speak much English but I'm sure they have a better level if they're based in popular resorts and some may even be ex-pats.

Let us know where you end up going xx
have you decided on your new destination yet hun? hope you enjoy it, wherever you go :hug:

Sorry to hear about your holiday.

I can't speak for other European Counties but my parents live in Spain and they've found the hospitals to be spotless and really good. I've visited whilst being pregnant with all three of my children and everything has been fine. One thing I would say though, avoid pre-cooked meats, especially chicken bought from takeaways and supermarkets (as I've had food poisoning a couple of times - fortunately not whilst pregnant, and yeah, probably better to stick to bottled water.

All the best
Thanks for your comments everyone :D

Haven't made a decision yet on where we are going, everywhere looks so nice though. I'm glad that everyone has had positive experiences of health care abroad, i think my midwife is just being over cautious with her advice.

I think I'll put my claim in for canceling the holiday first just to make sure we get our money back. I called the insurance company and they said they require a medical certificate from my GP so I have booked a doctors appointment for Monday and my midwife is standing by to explain the situation to him if needed.

I will let you know when I've picked somewhere and will do a special belly picture with a beach backdrop whilst I'm out there :D
Hi Mildly :wave:
I went to Greece about 5 years ago and was really ill when I was there. The health care was excellent, so much better than the NHS. My only advice would be to drink bottled water and only have ice cubes made from bottled water. I am a little biased as I love Greece anyway!!!
Hope you find the holiday that you want :hug:
We went to Switzerland 2 years ago end of May/early June. It was hot hot hot - almost 35 degrees which was something I did not expect for Switzerland. Beautiful, relaxing and lots of lake swimming every so many yards. Italy is great too - nice cities for a bit of both but if just relaxing then Spain, Greece etc do sound wonderful too....

I am not too sure if you need to take Malaria tablets for Turkey but if you do then MW will mention so and if safe in pregnancy ...lets hope you go somewhere nice as Canada sounded so lush!!

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