I have put my back out!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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I now have quite a large bump and my back has been feeling weak for a few weeks at least, then this morning whilst I was washing my hair it went into total spasm. It was sooooooooo painful, I eventually managed to get out of the bath and Brad helped me get ready to go to work but I am sitting here in agony. Does anyone have any good ideas for pain relief without having to resort to paracetamol?
Well I used to think the same as you about paracetmol, but the amount of headaches, and the severness of them recently, I've had to resort to taking them. Have asked my partners sister, who is a nurse, and she said its perfectly safe to take them if you are in alot of pain.

I try to avoid them for the most part, but sometimes it just gets too much doesn't it.

Hope you feel better soon.

Why not try taking just the one tablet, that might ease the pain a little without the full power of two tablets.

Funkylady said:
Well I used to think the same as you about paracetmol, but the amount of headaches, and the severness of them recently, I've had to resort to taking them. Have asked my partners sister, who is a nurse, and she said its perfectly safe to take them if you are in alot of pain.

I try to avoid them for the most part, but sometimes it just gets too much doesn't it.

Hope you feel better soon.

Why not try taking just the one tablet, that might ease the pain a little without the full power of two tablets.

I agree with what Funkylady has advised, I avoid them as much as possible but sometimes taking them once can break the cycle of pain. You could also try putting a warm compress on your back , this has helped me before.I know you can get heat pad's to stick to your back from the chemist but I'm not sure if you can use them while you are pregnant :think: . Hope you feel better soon. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im the same with the headaches and back pain, more so with my head and I dont take paracetamol so I know how that feels :wall: Ive resorted to them twice but I dont like doing it
If it's muscular either heat or cold should help. You could try a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel placed on the area for a maximum of 10 minutes. Alternatively a hot water bottle or hot wheat bag on the area for 20 minutes. The other thing that may help is doing some gentle stretches. Stand with your back to the wall kness slightly bent with your legs away from the wall and about hip width apart. Try to gradually roll down, starting from your head and peeling each part of your spine away from the wall until you are as low as you can go. Go back up trying to move each vertebra back against the wall in succession. If you do this a couple of times it should help.

Hope you feel better soon
Clydesdaleclopper said:
Stand with your back to the wall kness slightly bent with your legs away from the wall and about hip width apart. Try to gradually roll down, starting from your head and peeling each part of your spine away from the wall until you are as low as you can go. Go back up trying to move each vertebra back against the wall in succession. If you do this a couple of times it should help.

Hope you feel better soon

That sound soooooooooooo painful just thinking about it!!! It's easing up now but getting up and down from my desk is still killing me!!! I have put in a request for a shower at home as its trying to wash my hair in the bath thats making it niggle every day. My O/H is looking into it for me today, its either that or he now has to get up early with me and wash my hair for me!!! I'm thinking he would prefer to just put a shower in over the bath!! :rotfl:
My osteopath recommends freezing the area with an ice pack for 20 minutes every couple of hours.

It really worked for me, as did moving about as much as possible so that you can ease the spasm!

Good luck and owwww I feel your pain!

It's back to being just twingey now, O/H has changed my car because my other one had sports seats, so now I have a nice sensible Volvo with a lumbar support built into the seat (very nice btw). He is also going to try and finish the shower in our bathroom tomorrow so I dont have too keep struggling in and out of the bath!! I know its gushy but he is being soooo cute at the moment! :D
I have had a bad back ever since I had a car accident last year but it has been quite painful since I started to get a bump and I have been seeing an osteopath who I love! I go every couple of weeks now and he is so good and I refuse to take any medication like paracetamol. He recommends laying on my back and gently pulling my legs up and it stretches my back for a few mins each day.

We have Volvos too, very nice and comfy :cheer:
:cheer: We could start a Volvo club, my sister has been taking the micky this morning and saying it's an old persons car, I am glad I am not the only one who likes them!!
No they are great! Paul has the big XC90 and I have a lovely S40 with a volvo sticker saying 'Mum to be on board' :lol: I think in total, Paul has had 6 Volvo's, he swears by them!
Mines a V70, it looks so conservative! I did have a Audi Sport which was really fast, my new Volvo seems very grown up!

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