I have NO BUMP!!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Getting a bit fed up now - I'm 20 weeks tomorrow (have scan tomorrow afternoon) and I still don't have much of a bump.

At the start it was quite nice people saying "Ooh you're still lovely and slim" but now I want to start LOOKING PREGNANT!

MW says it's because my stomach muscles were very strong (I ride horses a lot which apparantly does that for you) - and also because I'm quite tall so my bump wouldn't show as much as it would on someone less fit and shorter.

But I feel like such a blimming fraud - gonna be sitting there tomorrow looking around at the other scannies and they will all look massive compared to me.

Baby has been very active this weekend, but I think he/she has turned around now because I haven't had a kick for 24 houirs (although have checked heartbeat and thats pounding away).

When am I gonna feel like a bone fide preggers person instead of feeling like I'm playing at it?!?!?!??!
It will come Shaz!!

I have heard this myself about stomach muscles, the muscles at the top of my tummy were tight pre pregnancy and I think that is what giving me an odd shaped bump lol.

Be pleased you havent put on loadsa weight and that you wont have too much to lose after the birth of LO, im sure many of us will be so envious!

Good luck tomo hun xxx
Dont worry..i didnt show for ages..then all of a sudden it came :shock:
Yours will come soon :hug: :hug:
All sounds a bit ridiculous I know.....people keep saying "ooh there's a maternity sale on in blah blah blah"

The only thing I've had to buy so far is a pair of £10 size 14 jeans in good old Asda - and even they are still a bit loose!!

Girls - if what you say is true and I will suddenly explode then point me back to this topic where I was moaning about being small and say "ha ha ha - we told you so"
I think i will do that..im going to bookmark this page.
I wish i was still small now..i feel like a huge whale! :cry: :cry:
Yes but you are almost there!!!!!

Had a bit of a freaky thing yesterday - was checking baby's heartbeat with my angel heart doppler and it sounded like there were TWO!!!

There was definitely only 1 at my nuchal scan at 12 weeks. But I could def heart a slightly different heartbeat about two inches away from the first one!!!!

I dont feel almost there when i am running around like a nutter at work trying to train people and do my own job..the thing that gets me is its not even my job to train people :roll:
Oh my god..i just saw a pic of my bump and 23 weeks (when it first started to look like a bump)
I AM A WHALE NOW! :shock: :shock:
make the most of being slim :cry: :cry:
I know that feeling all to well - I'm not intending to leave my work until the baby is actually due (which I suspect baby will scupper quite happily) - but already I'm thinking of all the things I have to train people on.

I'm the regional manager here too - so basically I'm senior on this site and the buck stops with me - I do feel sorry for the person stepping into my shoes for six months!!!

But not too sorry because I will be at home with my bubba!!

The second heartbeat you heard was probably the placenta. I can heat two most of the time with my doppler - the placents sounds more like a shooshy sound!

Shaz it wasn't until after my 20 week scan that my bump grew really quickly, I was actually a bit shocked! Before that I had bump envy for everyone but now I see girls with only little bumps being envious of my monster :lol: Your time will come, I just can't wait to get rid of my bump now and have my baby and hopefully a much flatter stomache!
Awwwwwwww it will come hun and you will be wishing for your slim figure back :wink: Just be patient, it will happen very quickly too when it does! xx :D
My bump has only just started to grow, I just looked like a jelly belly for most of the time, now I am defo looking PG!!! But only last few weeks....

I rarely feel babes kick but on my 20 week scan, baby kept turning back to screen so I think its lying away and kicking me the other way (towards ribs etc), so thats why I dont feel it much

You will be blooming in a few weeks doll, I promise...my sis is 25 weeks and has been showing since 16 weeks, she is ENORMOUS and feels like a barage balloon so be thankful for your neat bump, I know I am hen she looks enviously at mine :rotfl:
Thanks girls - certainly do feel baby (nicknamed George at the moment) moving around a lot.

Kicks seem really very strong for just 20 weeks - but having nothing to compare it to it's probably very normal.
With Jaycee i showed at 28 wks. Then i ballooned!! lol! I started taking pics for comparison at 28weeks. Then i was SHOCKED! lol
Shaz said:
I know that feeling all to well - I'm not intending to leave my work until the baby is actually due (which I suspect baby will scupper quite happily) - but already I'm thinking of all the things I have to train people on.

I'm the regional manager here too - so basically I'm senior on this site and the buck stops with me - I do feel sorry for the person stepping into my shoes for six months!!!

But not too sorry because I will be at home with my bubba!!

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Thats the spirit!
I hope they suffer for 6 months while you are at home with your bubbba :D

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