I have just about had enough of this!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: I just give up. It's all too hard I can't do it anymore!!! LOL I got my consultant appointment through yesterday and assumed it would be my scan too....not so??

I checked with the consultant who said no, she just did the rest of the checks and the scans are done seperately. I needed to ask my doctor to send a scan request off.

Rang GP this morning and spoke to duty doctor. He said he had nothing to do with obstetrics and I should speak to a midwife. I said I'd twice asked the midwife to ask for a scan and then he said I wouldn't get a scan till 20 weeks. I told him he clearly didn't know what he was talking about and that I would try again to get the midwife to sort it out. What do you need to do to get a bloody NHS scan.

I am seeing my consultant on Tuesday and am going to refuse to leave her office until I have a scan date,. If I miss the window for the combined test, I'll £^$*%&$£^ sue em.
timsmom I cant believe they are being so negitive with you, dont let it get to you. Do you know which hosptial you will be going to when you give birth - this should be the hospital where they will do all your scans etc. I would ring up the antenatal clinic direct and tell them you need to have a scan before 13 weeks because of the nucleol fold deadline and see what they say.

Did you register with your doctors when you first found out you were pregnant? Your doc should have sent off all your paperwork to the hosptial so they can get the scan date sent through to you? My doc sent mine off not my midwife. I have not even med my proper midwife yet just a stand in who did my weight blood pressure etc?

Give the unit a call now and tell them how upset this is making you. Good luck.
:hug: :hug: :hug: There seems to be loads of women around on here at the moment who are having trouble getting scans. Must be the NHS trying to save money :roll:
Don't give up and let them fob you off, maybe explain how important the nuchal fold test is to you.
I hope you get scaned soon
do what i did hun shout/moan and cry down the phone keep on at them i have only just got mine threw after being past from piller to post then being told i wont get a scan till im 16 weeks it is rubbish hun but keep on with it
manda xx
Why do so many health professionals belittle our pregnancy feelings and worries?

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