We have a Yorkshire terrier called Rolo. He is 8 months old and so loving, happy and playful. We got him august and loved MOST of it. As my hours have been reduced at work due to blood pressure I am home every afternoon. Barney our 1 year old king Charles loves it but Rolo seems to have freaked out. He has had three wee's on our hall carpet this week which I was annoyed about but today I lost it. First I put them out for a wee, he just sat at the door so I let them in and he promptly came in jumped on sofa and had a wee up the cushion, the sofa is a few months old. I told him off and put him outside again, cried as I had just cleaned up and now was scrubbing the sofa. To top that off when I let him in he jumped up me and got poo on my leg I picked him up and he was covered underneath. I phoned my OH telling him I hated the dog and wouldn't cope with Rolo being like this and with a baby, u would think a rant would be enough......but totally over reacting I put him for sale on freeads. My OH bathed the dog and has been so nice but the dog just getting on my nerves tonight. What a way to react, thinking I should take his advert off the net, but still not liking him at min. Rant over nit even baby related lol