I have developed a dodgy craving....pls say I'm not alone!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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You know you hear of people getting cravings for things like coal an stuff.....?

Well I am ashamed to admit I am craving something very strange. And it's wierd.

:blush: I actually am desperate to eat talc powder. :blush:

A friend of mine eats paper!! She's due a week after me!!

Please confess below if you have anything like this!!

Ps. I haven't actually eaten any, but I really want to!
I really, really want to suck and chew on sponge! Like, a bath sponge!

I used to do it when I was a kid, but grew out of it.

About 2 months ago, a friend of mine [who is due this week!] started doing it, and it must have been playing in the back of my mind since then, because I'm dying to do it today!!!
:rofl: Mine was sausages although I couldn't see it at the time! My mum had to eat toast all day everyday, but it had to be burnt beyond belief :lol: she says even now when she smells burnt toast it brings her right back! X
mine was chinese or maybe that was my excuse lmao!!! xx
My friend craved washing up gloves. She used to have hundreds of them with the fingers cut off cos she used to chew them like bubble gum!

I also LOVE chewing the sponge that jewellery comes in. I can't get enough of it. Sadly, this started when I was 9 years old so way before I was pregnant!
My cousin ate sponge
My bestfriend ate johnsons baby powder

Mine is burnt toast.....will eat coal if given the oppertunity
My auntie used to crave petrol!! Luckily just the smell was enough to satisfy lol x
I love the smell of petrol, matches n candles (when u blow them out)
i used to like chewing on sponges when i was little but no real craving at the moment although i did go through a stage of eating lots of cheese!!!xx
God you lot, mine is really normaly and boring then - cottage cheese by the tub ful!!

Lexi - don't do it - don't eat the talc
Mines normal too - milk with remember the crusha syrup stuff you had when little - on strawberry or raspberry at minute but just have to have lol
:rofl: I am so glad I'm not the only one! I am not going to eat it if I can help, but god it's so appealing! Last night I was at a pub with all our mates and all I was secretly thinking about was johnsons baby bloody powder!! Lol! Really dontnknow where this has come from! God I hope it goes once I'm no pregnant! X
I get the urge to lick the plaster on the walls god knows why. =/ driving me mad when I was in Tri 1 though I couldn't get enough chedder cheese on cookies. X
I knew of 3 people who craved wall plaster, washing powder and rubber glove cravings all came from women in the same family when each of them were pregnant. Wonder if there's something in that?

When I was pregnant the first time with DS I craved buttered crumpets with a scoop of vanilla ice cream with golden syrup! Sweet tooth much? lol
I heard about eating coal but not rubber gloves plaster wall and etc...looooooooooooool oh dear oh dear, am shocked... eyes almost popped out lol..
Lol I thought they were all wired til I experienced this craving for powder! Haha! X
with my 1st i craved petrol, i really wanted to put it on a flannel and suck it off, i didn't i just had an empty petrol cannister beside me to smell all the time. so glad when that stage passed,
Apples lol normal

And ice cubes

My sil ate toilet paper lol! She said she really enjoyed it but the thought of it now makes her feel sick lol

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