I have a problem with my plumbing!

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Can anyone help?! :lol: basically, realised today my overflow from the downstairs loo is dripping, it's frozen down the wall, only noticed cos my headlights caught it! Anyway, had the top off and the water doesn't appear to be going anywhere near the top of the tube, although there was a "line" further up too as if it had done at some point!

When we first moved in, the pipes used to clatter a lot, but just put it down to one of those things! When you flush the upstairs loo now, it makes a noise like there's an air lock, often the only way to stop it is to run another tap! Had a look in the top of there too and the pipe that let's the water in has gone kinda flat, as if it's squished, could that be behind the noise?

There's a tap thing on one of the pipes in the downstairs loo, which I'm wondering if little fingers have maybe had a play! I'm completely clueless and whilst I could probs have a fiddle and fix things, I don't wana unintentionally break something! And any ideas why the overflow's dripping when it's not over flowing?! Bloody house stuff!
Sorry hun i don't best thing is ask any of your friends if they have ever had anything similar to it and see what they say, or go online and ask on google it might be able help you there x x x
Argh this type of thing petrifies me lol so I'm no good. Sorry lol

Hope you get it sorted!! Xx
Well I checked downstairs loo when I got up and it was full to the brim! So it looks like it's dripping! Had a fiddle in the top toilet and it was less noisy, but still noisy! Easy answer is probs call LL, but I don't like to bother them :blush:
when I saw the title I thought you meant your plumbing :lol:
no idea but hope it is easily fixed x
Best thing is call them hunni, sounds like some work is needed to be done...might need to have a damp proof course done too, just to be safe x x x
We had a dripping overflow pipe, the float was rising to high when the cistern refilled, the reason for ours was because there is a little pin that connects with the float lever and had been pushed in to far causing the float to have to rise higher to get a better connection! We had to fit a new float and pin! Cost about a fiver and now the dripping stopped! Not sure if this is the same but that was why ours was dripping!
Will ask my other half when he gets home for you :-)

He's plumber BTW lol
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Could be the washer in the down stairs toilet which has worn away due to dripping as that is why overflow is leaking but because washer worn away, thats why opening taps is causing the vibrating noise, you will need a new toilet filling valve
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I say Missus, do your pipes need a good seeing to? :D

Sorry couldn't resist. Hope you got it sorted.

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