I hate Monday's.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2012
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Just need to vent!!!
Today is SHIT.

Went to work, well tried to get to work should I say...
Car chucks out oil so I pull over and have a look...
Go to start the car to drive home - nothing.

Bearing in mind I pulled over in the middle of a massive forest!!! Like in the middle of nowhere on a busy road...

Try to get a signal, nope. Phone decided to break too!!!
Ask some random guy to use his phone so I did n then he offered me a lift home and j was like sorry but no, I don't know you and I wouldn't feel comfortable doing so... So he was gonna ring the police to take me home as I was "pregnant and distressed" lol....
Luckily the car started.... So I got home.

But now my phones being such a knob!!!!!!
I've got the iPhone4. On o2, and my signal says "searching...." go into my settings and it says in there O2....
Got my friend to ring me and it's fine her end, doesn't ring my end and doesn't give me a missed call... Also freezes when I try to dial!
And I've took my sim out, put back in, nothing.
Reset my phone numerous times - nothing.

Could this day get any worse?!!??!!! :(
Ohhh no, what a crap morning you've had! :(
Have you tried ringing o2 and getting them to sort it out??

Hope the rest of the day is better for you lovely!

Oh no I have same phone as u
N mine sometimes does that have u tried holding down the button on the front n the button top right for about 20-30 seconds then the phone should shut down and should
Come back on that sometimes helps
Mine when it freezes xxxx

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