i hate gettin older!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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can someone please reassure me every birthday wnt be like this?

im sittin alone wiv my 2 kids, who both aint old enough to know its my birthday without tellin them, my OH is in bed wiv hangover, ive only had 2 cards off in laws and TEXT YES TEXT from my mum. is it cus i was 21 last yr so this b-day is bound be dissappointing or is this it from now on.


Awww :hug: :hug: Thats awful.

Happy birthday :D

Go and make your oh get out of bed and take you and the lo's out somewhere nice.
Blimey you got the works compared to me :lol: Mind you I am 37 now. TBH, I've never been bothered by birthdays and don't really celebrate them. I don't expect or mind if people don't send me cards and stuff. I'm one of those green people who think buying and mailing cards and stuff like fancy wrapping paper are a waste of resources and that we put too much onto receiving these days. I prefer to actually do something, be it a picnic, day out or something with people I care about and want to spend time with than cards and presents. My friends and family understand that and so don't go overboard. I usually end up cooking the dinner and inviting them over to share with me :lol:

I think it depends on your own expectations and how others around you feel about such things. Men tend not to be overly showy with things like birthdays. Maybe when your OH wakes up why not suggest you head out somewhere for a bit of a birthday lunch with the kids? That way you get a treat and with the people you love. Sure its you taking the initiative but that never hurt anyone. And mention that while you don't mind a quiet birthday you don't want to let it slip by unnoticed and hopefully your hubby will remember that next year.

Just a suggestion and it might not be the sort of thing that would appeal but thought I'd put it out there.

And one last thing


and hopefully you'll have a slice of something like this later

well if you need to celebrate....

we're having a big drink at the local working mens club tonight :rotfl:

its only a few miles from you :wink: the group are good


we get to be the youngest people in the room :wink:
aww :hug: happy birthday hun

its a bit rubbish after 21st innit! i got a party and loadsa presents and such a big fuss on my 21st, my 22nd was a bit disappointing! i think they all will be now til we are 30. i hope i get a big fuss on my 30th lol but iv got a few years to wait for that one. its my birthday next week but not a special number so itll probably be a boring one!
awww thnx every1. it did improve. my OH had asked friends round for a drink without telling me so that was a nice surprise. my mum had also sat down with my DD to draw a b-day card which was soo special.

i couldnt drink cus we didnt have babysitters but it was good to have my sis round and friends for a gossip.

thankyou to everyone who wished me happy b-day.


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