I hate being teased :o(


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Well I thought last night was going to be the night. My Braxton Hicks built up and up, my back was giving me so much jip.... it built up to the point where I was rocking backwards and forwards, on the sofa nearly in tears then Pffffffffft...... nothing a big fat NOTHING! :x

To top it all off because we think my front waters are going slowly, OH and I cant get 'giggy giggy' incase of infection :x

My midwife called today and asked if she could retake my bloods and send off a pee sample again because the others where 'mislayed' :roll:

I dont think i'll keep sanity my if this baby goes overdue :cry:

Sorry I sound like a moaning mini at the moment dont I :hug:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, hope it's not too much longer for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
All sounds promising tho. Good luck. Hope you meet bubs very soon :D
good luck violet, hope its not too long now for u!! :cheer:
going overdue aint that bad violet, if any 1 diddn't wanna go overdue it was me, and I went 5 days...You don't think of it so much as going overdue, you just don't have a due date and it's exiting because it could happen any time :lol:
I don't think you are gonna go over hun,not with all the pains you get and the waters leaking :hug: ,looks like i am going to though :roll: :lol: xx
nikki1306 said:
I don't think you are gonna go over hun,not with all the pains you get and the waters leaking :hug: ,looks like i am going to though :roll: :lol: xx

I dunno ive given up any hope of all the pains etc amounting to anything.

You could very well win this race Nikki :cheer: ..will keep everything crossed for you xx
I know exactly how you feel violet, I woke up at 4.30 this morning with pains and thought finally things were on the move, lay there for about 40 mins thinking should I wake OH up and then nothing, not a twinge. I don't think I have ever wanted to be in pain so much in my life!! Hope things get moving for you soon.
Your not moaning, your anxious, i think we all turn into monsters towards the end!! :twisted:

Baby shouldn't be far away if your waters are going, positive thoughts!!

Good luck x :hug:
Dont worry Violet, you moan away im sure il be the same when I get to your stage its totally understandable!

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