I had my scan today...


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2005
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... and its good news!! :cheer:

Well I got there and as soon as the midwife put the scanner on my tummy we could see something which I knew was better than last time, she smiled at me and said "There's a baby there" but I kept holding my breath until she got a good image, I was still worried and then baby waved! I was sooooo relieved and then we could also see the heart beat fluttering away.

I've been put at 10 + 1 instead of 10+5 so not that far out at all. New EDD is 08/12/08

Aww Becky thats great news, so pleased for you.

I know what you mean when you said you were holding your breath. I was exactly the same as you. My Sonographer started by saying well there is only 1 baby. I did a nervous laugh but only after that did i think oh my god there is a baby there, and had a few tears.

I was also put back a few days but that doesn't matter, as long as everything is ok.

Congratulations and thats a lovely pic of you LO

so glad all went well hun and what a lovely picture xxxxxxx
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: what a lovely picture. Congratulations hun x
Aww Becky your pic brought a big smile to my face! Your LO is sooo cute!! He/she looks so cosy in there :D

Congratulations! xx
Aw thanks girls!! I think its still sinking in, it doesn't feel real yet!

Dannii - you're right I hadn't really noticed but it looks like little baby is leaning back on my comfy uterus!!
Aw congratulations !! Look how much room they have in there !! LO looks very cosy ! :hug: :cheer:
Congratulations. That is great news and a really good pic. x

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