i had a funny turn today :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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I was just sitting at the computer sorting out my sons mp3 player when i started to notice that my sight in my right eye was strange, it got worse and i couldn't see out of it properly and had flashes of light. So i went and had a lie down on the sofa, then my hand went numb and tingly along with my lip, tongue and back of my throat. I was on my own with the kids as hubby was out and i was really scared. I went and got into bed once the tingling had stopped, but i had a headache on my left hand side of my head.

Hubby came home and i took some paracetamol and did my BP, twice it was fine and one one occassion it was high.

The headache went off for a bit but i can feel it coming back, i really don't want to go to hospital cause its probably nothing, but at the same time i feel a bit worried :cry:
hiya hun it sounds very much like a migrane HOWEVER if it gets any worse get yourself down to either the emergancy doc or a and e just to be on the safe side, you can't take any chances hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sounds like migraine to me hun. They don't always have to be painful, I've had ones before with flashing lights and zig zags but no pain and then I've had ones excruciatingly painful but no lights etc.

Best thing to do is take paracetamol, lie down in a dark room and put a cold flannel on your forehead.
Cixes said:
I was just sitting at the computer sorting out my sons mp3 player when i started to notice that my sight in my right eye was strange, it got worse and i couldn't see out of it properly and had flashes of light. So i went and had a lie down on the sofa, then my hand went numb and tingly along with my lip, tongue and back of my throat. I was on my own with the kids as hubby was out and i was really scared. I went and got into bed once the tingling had stopped, but i had a headache on my left hand side of my head.

Hubby came home and i took some paracetamol and did my BP, twice it was fine and one one occassion it was high.

The headache went off for a bit but i can feel it coming back, i really don't want to go to hospital cause its probably nothing, but at the same time i feel a bit worried :cry:

This is exactly what happens when I get a migraine hun - I know one is on the way when the left side of my face (including my tongue) starts to go numb. I have to take paracetamol immediately to stop the nasty headache bit developing.
Drink plenty of water, take some painkillers and lie down in a dark room :hug:
defo a migraine hun ..hope ur feeling better :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ooooh sounds nasty...hope you feel better soon Cixes :hug:
sounds like migrane hun, i had that happen to me early i was so scared but once the headace came i knew it was a migrane

hope ur feeling better soon darl :hug:
If you see stars though, might happen when you stand up from sitting, then thats your blood pressure and needs checking out :)
That doesn't sound very nice hun. How are you feeling today? :hug:
Thanks girls, yeah it was just a migrane - i had never had one like that before!

Had loads of sleep and healthy stuff to eat and i am feeling fine today. I feel really tired alot in this pregnancy though, is anyone else feeling like they could sleep on a washing line??

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