I got offered a job. Not sure what to do...


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2011
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I'm almost 20 weeks, and got offered a place on a graduate scheme in a big complany. This is a fantastic place, and would be a great opportunity for me! The problem is that they still don't know that I'm pregnant (unless they noticed my tummy during my interview... I doubt it though).

Don't know what to do now! They are supposed to send me the documents soon. I'm planning to sign them first, and then tell them (hope this is not too cheeky?). I'm just wondering if they could withdraw the offer after that??

What worries me is that, firstly, it's a graduate scheme and it lasts 2 years, so it's not a classic contract - maybe different rules apply?... And the offer is conditional - it will depend on my degree results (I'll get them in a month) and also on my references. I wonder if this means that the company could also withdraw the offer because I'm pregnant (not stating this as an official reason, of course).

I also have only 5 weeks before I legally am supposed to tell them that I am PG. I hope the paperwork won't take that long!

Any advice?.. I so want this job, just not sure how I should act to maximise my chance of getting it.
oh jings, thats a tricky one. I'm really don't know but sure someone will be able to help soon. xx
Hey.. when i was looking into telling my employer that i was expecting, the company handbook (and most of the stuff on the net really) outlined that your only entitled to the usual maternity leave and pay and things if you have been continuously employed by the company for at least 26 weeks when you tell them... and most companies have it that they only have to give you a months notice to fire you if you havent worked there for 12 months ... anything after 12 months they have to go down the proper route - disiplinary etc...

So im guessing from that... you should tell them the situation now and see what they say... they might be really understanding about it depends on the person you speak to! You dont want to not tell them and then have the worry that they think you have deceived them when you do tell them...

Good luck though :) and good luck with your degree results!
thanks BabyNumber 1 :) I know I won't be aligible for maternity pay - I'm going to apply for a statutory maternity allowance instead. But I'm reluctant to tell them right now. I'm just afraid that that job offer will never arrive then... :)

ss79 thx, I hope so! :)
Well to be fair, like you said your not legally obliged to tell anyone until you are 25 weeks anyway so if it makes you feel better sign the docs when you get them and then tell them in 5 weeks... will probably work out the same time as you get your results anyway...

I think the same rules with apply, but at least you have done it by the book on your side... they could surely come to some sort of arrangement with you where you do like keeping in touch days where you go back to work in your maternity leave period?
I don't know... possibly.

I was thinking that if they ask me why I didn't them during the interview, to say smth like 'Oh, I thought it was so obvious anyway'. Because I mean I did have a tummy then already! This could make me look a bit silly I guess though.

But, to be fair, they never asked me anything like that! Not even anything like 'Do you know of any reason why you couldn't complete the full 2 years with us'.

And... I'm sure they understand that these things happen. I'm 25, I'm married... Chances are if I wasn't pregnant yet, I would be very soon anyway! I hope they won't be shocked too much :)
Its just one of those things... im sure they have had to deal with something like this in the past so they will be prepared....

Let us know how you get on :)
Well done on getting the job, I remember you going for the interview. Not a clue how it would work though, maybe your right, sign the contract, get your results and then tell them.

They could go either way and withdraw the offer or maybe review it so that perhaps they will take you on properly after your maternity leave. They didn't ask you any questions in the interview about not being able to work for the full 2 years so you havent lied to them and long as you tell them before the cut off point then you have been by the book. If they say anything about why you didn't tell them before, just be honest and say you weren't asked, you wouldn't have applied for the job if you didn't think you could do it and you have legally informed them before the cut off date, they can't and shouldn't hold it against you.

I personally think they will still take you on and maybe try to come to some sort of agreement with you, perhaps less maternity leave so you have say 6 months off instead of a year or postpone your placement for a year. Def a difficult situation though! Be interested to know how you get on, fingers crossed it works out for the best for you.
I'm hoping I could just differ the place for a year. Not sure I could give the LO to a nursery at 4 months or so :(

I'm just wondering if they can legally withdraw their offer on these grounds! Surely this would be discrimination?
I'm hoping I could just differ the place for a year. Not sure I could give the LO to a nursery at 4 months or so :(

I'm just wondering if they can legally withdraw their offer on these grounds! Surely this would be discrimination?

I don't know the in's/out's of it all but I'm pretty much guessing the couldn't legally withdraw the offer as it's treating you differently.
I'd sign all the paperwork and tell them when you have to at 25 weeks. You're doing it by the book so should they.

Look at the options:

You sign and get the offer and then you tell them your pregnant by the legal cut off date and they kick up a fuss about it all....you have the law on ur side so can do something about it for discrimination.


You sign and get the offer and then you tell them your pregnant by the legal cut off date and they come to some sort of arrangement for maternity or waiting a year or something.


You don't sign, don't get and offer and will be sitting wondering 'what if'.....

No brainer really.....

Good luck xxx
PP, yeah that's my logic :) But I'm afraid there is also another option:

- I sign the doc, then tell them, they get funny with me as think I was not honest with them, and withdraw the offer on some other silly grounds (like my marks are not good enough or the references are not good enough. Even if I have good references and results, they might still say they hoped for better ones I guess). Or, they withdraw the offer because it's a fixed time contract and I can't fulfill my duties during this period of time.

Well I guess the only thing I can do is sign the papers, tell them and see what happens :)
Even if they do come up with silly excuses you'll be able to fight them. I can understand the fixed time contract and don't think you'd be able to do much about that one, but it's definitely worth trying and see how it goes rather than just sitting back and thinking what if.... xx
I don't know if it's too far fetched but could you just tell them that you didn't know you were pregnant when you went for the interview and say that you've only just found out? That does happen to some girls doesn't it. Unless they would want proof of when you found out, from the midwife etc, but i don't imagine they would. xx
well... :) not sure that's very realistic at this stage. I'm showing it properly now (people actually notice!), so I don't think they'll believe me. If it was a month ago or so, then maybe...
well... :) not sure that's very realistic at this stage. I'm showing it properly now (people actually notice!), so I don't think they'll believe me. If it was a month ago or so, then maybe...

My sister had 2 weeks left before she found out she was pregnant... so its not totally unrealistic :)
well... :) not sure that's very realistic at this stage. I'm showing it properly now (people actually notice!), so I don't think they'll believe me. If it was a month ago or so, then maybe...

My sister had 2 weeks left before she found out she was pregnant... so its not totally unrealistic :)

em... did she not look pregnant all that time?..
Not really... she put on a bit of weight but she just put it down to eating more as shes always been a big eater and she put on weight all over rather than just a bump! It was only when she went the doctors for something else they were like errr you do realise your pregnant and she was like NOPE! then 2 weeks later she popped!
Not really... she put on a bit of weight but she just put it down to eating more as shes always been a big eater and she put on weight all over rather than just a bump! It was only when she went the doctors for something else they were like errr you do realise your pregnant and she was like NOPE! then 2 weeks later she popped!

It happens more than we think it does. I know a few people who've been like that! xxx
Its crazy isnt it!! There is no way in hell would i not know i was pregnant even at the beginning!!

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