I give up!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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I've been using Clearblue digital ovulation tests since cd12 and haven't had a positive result. I used them last month and got a smiley face on cd12 and 13. I'm so confused! Cd 16 today and still nothing but I'm cramping a little like I do after ovulation.

Do I just scrap this month? Can that happen that you don't ovulate one month? I'm so upset because my oh and I really made a massive effort this month.

Please help, I'm so completely fed up of all this.

Keep testing hun ov can slightly differ from cycle to cycle and yes some people don't ov every month. Are your cycles always regular? hun don't give up try stay positive xx
Thanks, i just hope i can keep going!

My cycles are usually 29 or 30 days, this ttc is so much more than I bargained for!

I hope you're finding it ok.

Your cycles a normally regular then, but the stress alone of ttc can put everything out of sync. Yeah I'm the same ttc is way more then I thought it would be nver realised the effect it had until now. Good luck hun fx xx
Thanks, I guess I can't do anything about not ovulating so I'll enjoy the rest of my cycle and enjoy a glass of vino!

Fx for you too hon!

Bless ya hun dont give up hope just yet, did you BD anyway? You might have OV'd and it didnt show up on a test. FX xxx
I don't dare use the ov tests, i would be going crazy! Enjoy your glass of vino and relax x
Thanks ladies for your support. We did bd anyway as much as we could. Can that happen that you ovulate and it doesn't show up. I have period type cramps that I usually thought were consistent with ovulation, who knows!

My glass of vino was heavenly!

i often don't ov til cd 17-18, but strangely this month was cd 14. Bloody stupid body....
Cd18 and still no smiley face! So annoying!

I'm going to just hope that my cycle stays 29/30 days then at least one thing is consistent in all of this! There's always next month!

Hope you're all doing ok Xx
opk's never worked for me? So i dont use them.
I think i drink too much liquid - so yes i never got a smiley face.
The best thing to go by is your cm, if theres lots, stretchy and egg white - its a good time to BD!!!!
AS soon as it turns yellow - you have ov'd!!
Good luck Joey xxxxx
Hey Joey, dont know if you read my post about the clearblue fertility monitor sticks working in the opk kit but I think its a real bonus if your using yhe digitals. Reason being on amazon 20 of the monitor sticks are £12 as opposed to only 7 opk sticks. Big differemce on the pocket and if you can't pin down ov!
I know its easy to lose heart hun but our bodies are funny machines it could be simply that you didn't test at right time don't lose hope xxx

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