i feel sooooooooo unfit!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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omg, i have just walked down the stairs, and out in to the garden to feed my babies (rabbit and Guinea Pig)..... just got back inside and i am huffing and puffing, and sweating (now i know its hot today but)... god i feel like a 90yr old woman! i was walking up this hill few days ago, and an old man with a walking stick over took me!!!!!
I feel the same and have done for a few weeks now, just going shopping (food) tires me out, cant do owt else for the rest of the day as am so :sleep: :sleep:

I think the body tries to prepare you by slowing you down to reserve energy for the big event, well I'm hoping so anyway, and remember all the extra weight you carry in the final weeks can be really stressful on the body.
tinkerbell* said:
i was walking up this hill few days ago, and an old man with a walking stick over took me!!!!!

:lol: :lol: That made me chuckle!!

I am meant to be working right up to the 15th, and one of the reasons I am considering leaving earlier is the walk...I potter around before going home, get myself a drink and take a trip to the loo in preparation for what used to be a stroll home!
kittykat8 said:
I feel the same and have done for a few weeks now, just going shopping (food) tires me out, cant do owt else for the rest of the day as am so :sleep: :sleep:

I think the body tries to prepare you by slowing you down to reserve energy for the big event, well I'm hoping so anyway, and remember all the extra weight you carry in the final weeks can be really stressful on the body.

I gave up food shopping as soon as I wasn't able to get things from the bottom shelf. Thank god for home delivery.
tinkerbell* said:
i was walking up this hill few days ago, and an old man with a walking stick over took me!!!!!

:rotfl: Sorry that really made me laugh, bless ya!! x
i was so tired by the end of my pregnancy! Just walking up the stairs to the toilet would have me out of breath.

3 days after giving birth i had more energy as i weighed 1 stone less and it's just come back more and more as my weight and swelling has gone down, i doubt it's you being unfit hun, more the strain of rapid weight gain.
Walking the dog for me is getting a struggle. I'm glad I have a lazy dog who doesn't mind it if I cut our walks a bit short :D

I don't think this heat is helping though either, I'm sure it makes me more tired and breathless sooner.

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