I feel soooo hungover!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I went to my first Ann Summers party last night and I literally feel hungover! :think: Maybe it was all the excitement! :rotfl:

It was a good night though. I was an Ann Summers 'virgin' along with my friend Karen who had her first baby 6 weeks ago. I said 'I think it is safe to say we are NOT virgins!'. :lol: I won £24 to spend in the catalogue so I bought a nightshirt... how raunchy! :rotfl:

My first thought was 'oh that would be handy for breastfeeding!!'. :lol:

Overall I had a good night. I was home by 11pm! :dance:
ooohhhh i wouldn't mind going to one of those, i mad e af reidn fo mine have one once but then she didn't invite me???/

have ordeed form their catalogue though

ive never been to one either :oops:

sounds like you had a good time x
I know the hungover feeling! Yesterday and today i feel like i was out parting until 3am and up again at 7am! I've actually had plenty of sleep but i'm exhausted!

I've never been to an ann summers party but i'm not an ann summers virgin lol! I'd love to go to one, maybe its something to do after she;s here to make m feel sexy again :think:
I went into an ann summers shop earlier. Found my DH an Xmas present :wink: . Going to have to lose 10 stone first to fit into it :roll: .

Maybe exaggerating a little with 10 stone :lol: .
ive been to 2 Anne summers parties the first with my mam sister and auntie lets just say we all could not wait for it to end :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl:

the second was fantastic with my work mates i got compleatly WASTED so drunk i spent £90 yep at least 3 bottles of plonk to myself :oops:

it was a fab night the games we played where hilarious :lol:

glad you had a great night :D
sarah :wave: :wave:
Sometimes I think I come out in sympathy with people drinking alcohol when I'm at parties and not drinking...! I know what you mean about feeling hungover when you haven't even drank anything!

Sounds like you had a great night though!! :cheer:

(BTW, my 17 year old brother asked my dad a few weeks ago how women feel about losing their virginity as he has a new girlfriend, my dad told him I was best to answer the question being female, I just laughed and said "I'm a virgin!" and my brother said "no you're bloody not!" and I said, "What about Virgin Mary then?" and he said "Yeah I suppose" :rotfl: He's not the brightest bulb bless him :D)

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