I feel so guilty!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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Maheen is always fussing during feeds, usually it takes forever to get her to finish her bottle, and this morning, I just got enough, and I shouted at her. :cry:

she started crying instantly so much, so much, that I started crying as well!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

I feel so guilty, I lost patience this time! she looked really really sad, I upset her and never wanted to!
I don't know if I am weak, or a bad mum? Have you ever lost control like this?
I have already told her off, but never like this! I scared her!!!! :shock: :oops:

Mel xx :(
listen hun we all lose our controll when were tired or stressed. Dont feel guilty your not the first and definatly not the last its natural to feel this way.

Have you tried changing her teats she may be getting tired of sucking and maybe a more steady flow would help her alot. I used to get very stressed with adele she would only take her bottle lying flat and it would kill my arms holding her and if i wasnt holding her the way shewanted she would spit it outthe sides at me :shock: i lost controll and ended up putting her to bed a few times and letting herscream (temper scream) for a few mins to let me cool off aswell as her then i would go back up feeling really bad but she would just smile and it did help.

if you ever need to talk hun pm me or add me to msn

[email protected]

take care hun and just forget about it as im sure Maheen already has
When Ella was a newborn she was crying and crying and I said "Cry all you want to!" In a nasty voice :( Then I felt really bad and almost cried myself, we all get frustrated sometimes and say things we dont mean, at the end of the day we still love them to bits and they still love us wether we shout or not, dont feel bad hun.
Aimee is going through a stage where she won't let me leave the room or let a stranger even look at her without screaming. I must admit i have snapped a cople of times when i'm not even allowed to have a wee. Its so hard to keep your cool isn't it when there driving you mad! Don't feel guilty about it!
You are only human, its natural to lose the place sometimes :(
It doesnt make you a bad mum and Im sure she will have forgotten all about it by now.
Hi hun, ive been there aswell, please do not worry about it, you probably just shocked her.....remember its a different thing to what shes used to so thats why she would have cried, Im sure you didnt scare her....just shocked! In a years time all of us would have shouted at our little darlings on quite a few occasions I bet! And I double bet that we will all have felt so much worse about it than our LO's!
Keep doing what you are doing hun, your a great mum!
thanks girls!

As usual, you cheered me up!
You are probably right, maybe I felt worse than her! but poor thing, she cried so loudly and with so big tears! Well, afetr thatm, we spent a good day, I made her giggle and she did, so she made me feel better as well!
And this morning, she was all smiles again. :D
But Gosh, I think I'll think twice next time before I tell her off like that! :(

Thanks, and have a good weekend! 8)

Mel xx
glad your feeling so much better hun :D

if you do feel your about to lose it i just walk away into the kitchen count to ten and let out a huge breath and walk back into the room it does help sometimes....lol

anyway hun have a great weekend and keep smiling


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