i feel numb!


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
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yesterday i was 14 wks pg today im not!
i never imagined it wud happen to me! i dunno wot to do next!
any advice!
i know its hard knowin wot to say!
OMG Sophie.. I had no idea.. I am sooooo sorry..

What happened? Did you have bad news at a scan?

Oh hun there are no words to make you feel better.. I just send lots of love and hugs at such a painful and sad time. Everyone always says that after 12 weeks all will be well but that is sometimes sadly not the case.. I m/carried at 14 weeks 13 years ago.

Re advice.. just take things as easy as you can.. what have the doctors told you.. any causes / reasons known? I am sooo sorry, time is the only healer in such tragic situations.. and it may take some time but you will get to a happy place again.. I promise you will.

Big big hugs.. you know we are all here if you want to share your numbness xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi sweetheart,

Sending you lots of love and hugs at this sad, sad time.

Do whatever you have to do to grieve, it will heal but it will take time.
We are all thinking of you, and one day you will get your dream.

Take care xx
I am so so sorry for your loss sweetheart :(
I've been through it 3 times myself yet I don't quite have the words to say how sorry I feel for you to go through it at 14 weeks.

Look after yourself and take the time you need to greive. Thinking of you and sending you big big hugs xxxxxxxxxxx
I have no advice for you as I have never been in your situation. But i would like to offer you love and hugs x x I am really sorry to hear your sad news x Take care of yourself.
i am so sorry hun, i know that doesnt make much difference to u but if u need to talk any time u can PM or my email address is [email protected]
Love Sarah And Braydon
thank u for all ur lovely replys.
i woke up yesterday went toilet an i was bleedin only spots, i rang midwife she told me to see my doc an if he cud hear no heart beat then i need a scan, well he couldnt so i had to go fo a scan, mark my partner sat an seen our baby just lyin there i knew from his face somethin was wrong, then the sonographer turned an said im so sorry. words cannot describe how i felt at that point in time, i felt that it was happenin to someone else! i just wish i knew why, baby died over a week ago so its just been lyin inside me an ive been goin round as normal, thats the worst thing i think knowin that its dead inside me.
i have been booked in to have baby removed on mon, but ive stated gettin pains an bleedin.
does anyone know if they still do it if ur bleedin? im suppose to be goin for blood tests but i dont feel like it!
sorry for such a longwinded story had to get it off my chest. i feel better if i talk about it!
thanks once again.
an i admire all those who have been through this an got over it, i know i will get over it i have my son to think of, at least i have my son! some people dont have that.
Oh Sophie, words can't express how sorry I am for you hunnie. I just can't imagine the pain you are going through.

I can't offer you any advise I'm afraid as I've never been through this heartache, but just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you.

Take care.
I am soo sorry for your loss, love and hugs go out to you.

well nearly a week since the mc an still no easier! i opted not to go into hospital on mon an am going natural all though ive not been in any pain really nor have a bleed an awful lot, i spose every woman is different. i have to ring hosp when i finish bleedin an they will give me a re-scan, is this to see if everythin is gone?? what happens if it hasn't?? does anyone know?
I recently had an evac which is like a D&C but without the old fashion tools. Maybe that would be an option for you.

i will see what happens at hopital i think, i may go an have a chat with my doctor aswell!
Hi Sophie,

sorry to hear you are still feeling so low.. it will take a while honey so don't expect to feel your old self just yet..

As for the re-scan.. yes it is to check that your uterus is empty and OK - after my m/c last August they scanned me [3 weeks after I started bleeding] and they found some rather large cysts on my ovaries and a polyp in the lining of my uterus .. glad they found them when they did so we could get it all sorted...

Take care xxxx
They drained my cyst when I was under theatre it was back within 2 weeks. They don't seem concerned that it came back - Should I be concerned? :shock:
its just a case of waiting to see then, i hope all is ok as i know its sounds harsh i just want to get on with my life. this has most definatly been the worst thing ever to happen to us as a couple an i must say my partner has been my rock! i dont want to sound as if i think im the only person its ever happened to cause i know im not, an i know every woman must feel the same, this forum is somewhere i can come an get it all off my chest.#
thanks for readin
Sophie.. glad you are sounding on the right road to recovery.. your partner sounds fab.... it is hard for both of you but especially you and if he understands that and is supportive that can really help.. xxxx

Wobbles.. don't worry too much about your cyst.. how large is it? Mine were 4 cm [I had 4 on my right ovary] but they did go by themselves after 3 months.. aparently it is common as they appear and disappear with hormone level changes.. quite normal to get them when pregnant too.. just make sure they are checking / scanning you regularly.. do you have pain with it??

I don't think mine was as big & there was defo only one. She did tell me thats pregnancy can create cysts but with the confidence I have with that hospital it didn't really assure me.

No pain & after the 2 decreases I have had I'm not due any more scans unless my HCG rises again. Maybe I should bring it up next Tuesday!

I do hope life feels easier for you soon Sophie, I'm sure it will ((Hugs & thought to you)) x

so sorry for your lose i hope your getting on well now and just try and take some time out for yourself.
xx Katrina
hi an thanks
i know its gonna take time an its not goin to be easy i just need to think about our future as dwellin on what cud have been is all ive been doin. ive been up since half 4 this morning with pains its obviously still lots left to come out! im thinkin of ringing the m/c nurse for some advice i sound as if i need the d&c as according to hospital the baby died neary 3 wks ago, ide have thought somethin wud have happened by now???
anyway think im gonna TRY get some sleep!
hi Sophie,
Im so sorry for your loss and know you must be feeling angry and tearful. I have been through it three times and you feel like your world is falling apart. I am still ttc my first and cry everytime i get my AF! :cry: Time is a great healer and you will get through this hun.
Big hugs
Nichola x

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