I feel MORE pregnant... Is this normal?!


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2014
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Hi Ladies,

I am so confused and need some advice as I feel so in the dark & alone about this.

Quick breakdown of my situation : BFP 18.01.2015 - on/off nausea, irritable, emotional, lower backache, pinches & pulls in stomach, tired

Bleeding when wiping 26.01.2015 & confirmed ectopic

Surgery for removal of 5+3 baby & left Fallopian tube - 28.01.2015 however I insisited on a second opinion scan which confirmed I was pregnant with twins - 1ectopic & 1 in my uterus

Due for follow up scan 04.02.2015 to check on uterus pregnancy

Recovering from surgery - 03.02.2015 (day before scan) had a sexual dream where I O'd in my sleep! Woke up bleeding when I wiped. Bleeding got heavier with small clots & some cramps. Went to EPU.

Internal scan - reverted uterus - no sign of baby. 6+3 estimate by my LMP. Had bloods taken & urine but was told they "forgot" to write my DOB on them therefore cannot send them for analysis of hormone levels so will send me HPTs. Test & if positive wait a week & test again.

Assumed I was miscarrying. Bleeding lasted 3/4days. Did not go on pad really just when I wiped. Have thrush but given antibiotics for UTI. Did not work. Canesten cream did although I know this isnt allowed in pregnancy was told is fine to use once bleeding stops. Was told it is normal to have bleeding after ectopic surgery?

Told to start my pill again as we decided to wait & concentrate on the work we are doing on the house & would try again in the New Year.

1week after still BFP on test. Threw the other one away as was angry & emotional.

2weeks later I am feeling more pregnant & not less. I can smell everything. I am emotional all the time, crazy dreams, nausea/sickness throughout the day & night, stroppy & irritable, tired, lower back ache, pinching in belly button, sore big boobs with pronounced blue veins, on/off hunger, constipation/loose stools & stomach more rounded at the bottom....went out for dinner last night & had 3glasses of wine felt SO drunk & sick... Either this is my pill or I'm still pregnant?

I feel so stupid saying that second line because they didn't see anything on the internal scan but I have heard so many times that a reverted uterus may not show anything until week 8/9 I would be 8weeks today.

Could it be possible I'm still carrying the second twin or does it sound like this is normal after a miscarriage to feel this way?

Feel so confused!
Do another test to put your mind at rest either way.

After the mc I had this time (a natural one) the symptoms disappeared pretty much straight away. Now a week on I feel completely normal.
Mine is nearly 3weeks ago...

Maybe I should buy a test tomorrow & see? If it's negative I can just assume it's my pill but if it's positive would I just call the EPU?
I've no advice other than to test again but I hope you get an answer soon as you really have had an emotional few weeks, thinking of you x
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Have you tried a clearblue digital?
It'll give you some idea of hormone levels
Was it an internal ultrasound you got?
Could be an incomplete miscarriage in uterus. Ask GP to refer you for more investigation. X
Could be symptoms of pill or oving again or still preg.
They are all soo similar when changing, id stop the pills to be honest just incase and restart next month if not preg
Do a test just to check too, and call them to ask them to svan you again xx
Wanted to update - took a test this morning and negative!

Have decided to speak to OH as I am NOT happy about going back on the pill - he thinks this is the best option for us after what has happened but I don't.

I have one fallopian tube left & it can take a year to conceive naturally with one tube if we are timing/trying - I really don't want to go back on the pill for 10 months then come off it & have to try for another 6-12 months (took us 5 months this time) i want my body to regulate naturally without being controlled by the chemicals/hormones in my pill.

I just don't know how to approach the subject with him as he is adamant i just feel this way because it was only 2 weeks go this happened - i am not saying we need to TTC straight away but rather DTD when we feel too & let nature happen.

I don't think I am being unfair. Yes I was scared at first its a very scary thing to go through but I cannot switch off the way I feel & just pushing it away & taking the pill is not going to make me the one thing I want to be & that is a mother!

I have wrote a long letter to him stating how I feel& he is the most understanding loving person that I know he will see where I am coming from but apart of me thinks he wont be ready for this - what do I do? xx
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I'd explain that after what your body has been through, the last thing you need is more hormones effecting things and if you'd like to try again soon then it'll be best for your body to regulate, etc. Just suggest using condoms until you're both ready and that you're in control of your body that's way x
Thankyou everyone your advice has been amazing & you were all right I just told him how I feel & surprisingly he told me to come off the pill. He said lets use the "pull out method" or condoms (yeah right, I know him!)

So happy we are on the same page & just seeing what happens again xx
The pill didn't agree with me. It really messed with my hormones so I came off it.

Sorry you have had such a hard time but glad you and OH are on the same page.
I agree with the hormones hun - I came off the pill as it just wasn't agreeing with my body.
I have just been into hospital for treatment for an abnormal smear and my consultant asked me to started taking the pill again to 'regulate' again -- No way !! Its my body and my choice

I really believe the pill actually made me have the ectopic - I was on the pill for 12 years & never had a break really. They told me the mini pill, implant & coil are the WORST things to be on as they cause fertility issues & are the main reasons behind ectopics... I haven't taken my pill today so I assume I will have a break through bleed soon (only took 10days worth) then have a period (hopefully) after that?

I agree with the hormones hun - I came off the pill as it just wasn't agreeing with my body.
I have just been into hospital for treatment for an abnormal smear and my consultant asked me to started taking the pill again to 'regulate' again -- No way !! Its my body and my choice


I thought the pill increased your risk of cervical cancer so wasn't recommended if you have had an abnormal smear? Maybe it depends which type of pill?
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