I feel like a whale!!!

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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I think Pumpkin must be having some ginormous growth spurt or sommat cos I feel HUUUUGE!!!

My SPD has kicked off too which im attributing to the fact that I appear to be growing another heffer who is currently weighing down on my pelvis...

I think at this rate Pumpkin is going to be even bigger than James was. :shock: God help me!!!
I no Im tri hoping :lol:
Can we see pictures?
I LOVE looking at peoples big bumps :D
yeah i posted in tummy pics but can put it here too...


I think i look gross. My boobs and belly seem to be merging into one. :(
Awww, I wanna have a bigger bump.
No fair!
You look luvly :D
Don't think your too big at all. Its a nice bump! I seemed to be getting bigger by the day at that stage, but I think it has evened off over the last few weeks. Maybe that will happen. Although, I did open the door to my cousin today and he said 'good god, you're huge" :oops: :oops:
Looking mighty fine jen! :cheer: Thats one lovely gump you have there. :D
how perfect does your skin look :cheer: :cheer:

I think you look great Jen, and you don't look that big hun xx
You don't look like a whale :hug: Your bump is bootiful :D
you look lovely!
i should put a pic of me up- you'd feel a whole lot better if you saw my pic :rotfl:
aw thanks guys. Your all so lovely. You aint seen me naked though...its not a pretty sight!!! :lol:

Im just finding it tough with james at the mo as Im starting to really struggle with picking him up and he is getting sooo mobile and I get all breathless and out of puff trying to keep up with him! :oops:
Awh jen you look lovely!!!!! Your not alone! I went on labour day today and cried when I come home to OH because I thought I was bigger than everyone else and they was all about 34 weeks!!! :oops: Im only 28!!!!

You look great :hug:
You look great!!!

Up until 2 weeks ago at 35 weeks I had a tiny bump, in fact people constantly commented how neat and tidy it was..........over the last 2 weeks it has grown to massive proportions, almost doubled in size - I shall try and get a photo on here tomorrow!!
Wow Jen what a sexy mama you are... your bump looks bloody lovely!! wit woooooo ;)
jen you look fab.... :hug:

i have a serious case of bump envy cos I am sooo broody at the moment!
I recon your bump looks bout same size as mine was at 30weeks but believe me it looks better! Mines hideous with clothes and completely covered in stretch marks so looks even worse naked. Had my first antenatal class this week and was by far the biggest there! Maybe you'll slow down, think mine has stopped growing so quickly (or I'm dillusional). :shock: This is my first - dread to think what size I'll be for next one!
You look a perfectly normal size to me hun I am about that size maybe a bit bigger than you and I feel huge but know it is just female paranoia lol. You look fab too really glowing and happy it is a great pic

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