OK, I think we've discovered the problem.
Ketones very high in my urine, which means my body is having to break down its own reserves of fat to keep me going. The midwife said this was particularly worrying as the sample was taken way after lunchtime and my blood sugar should have been OK.
Fundal height has increased from 23cm at 24 weeks to 29cm this week which takes Connie from under the bottom line on the chart to over the top line. She has had a major growth spurt and may end up above average (which would make sense as OH was pushing 10lb at birth).
Coupled with the passing out episodes (fainted good and proper in my Year 9 lesson today) and the increased appetite the midwife said the bigger picture can only be one thing...
Connie is sucking my life force!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to eat way more. She says I've put on 10lb which is within the lower limits for normal but that she's worried that I haven't put anything on in 4 weeks. This is despite the fact I've been eating almost constantly and always hungry.
So I'm to eat twice as often, and meals of carbohydrates like oats and bread and pasta, so basically 5 proper meals a day and snacks between those.
I'm gonna be a right heffer
Ketones very high in my urine, which means my body is having to break down its own reserves of fat to keep me going. The midwife said this was particularly worrying as the sample was taken way after lunchtime and my blood sugar should have been OK.
Fundal height has increased from 23cm at 24 weeks to 29cm this week which takes Connie from under the bottom line on the chart to over the top line. She has had a major growth spurt and may end up above average (which would make sense as OH was pushing 10lb at birth).
Coupled with the passing out episodes (fainted good and proper in my Year 9 lesson today) and the increased appetite the midwife said the bigger picture can only be one thing...
Connie is sucking my life force!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to eat way more. She says I've put on 10lb which is within the lower limits for normal but that she's worried that I haven't put anything on in 4 weeks. This is despite the fact I've been eating almost constantly and always hungry.
So I'm to eat twice as often, and meals of carbohydrates like oats and bread and pasta, so basically 5 proper meals a day and snacks between those.
I'm gonna be a right heffer