I feel ill

:hug: Oh you poor thing. I hope you feel better soon... if you get any worse don't wait until tomorrow - best to get checked out even if it is just a bug :hug:
You get plenty of rest hun :hug: Are you still spotting though?

And no work tomorrow, Mamafys orders!
Agree with Mamafy, take some time off work and rest. I hope you feel better soon and ring if you feel any worse at all.
Thanks girls! I have had no more spotting, but i have been vomiting every hour or so all night and it doesn't show signs of stopping. My ribs are so sore and my head feels like it is going to explode. Just waiting for the docs to open so i can get an appointment. I can't remember feeling this ill before in my life! xx
:( oh hun that sounds awful:hug:

Gimme a wee text if you get to the dr. Xxx
Get well soon - very glad its just a bug - lots of Southern love to you gal xx
I've been in all bed all day drifting in and out of sleep. I haven't been sick since 9ish this morning and i have kept some toast down. Is it normal to have a tummy bug but to not have the runs?

Thanks for asking after me xx
:hug: glad ur feeling a bit better, u don't have to have the squits to have a tummy bug :hug:
Ah hun that sounds horrible! hope you stay better rest of today. I just got back from work and was really sick. Havent heard of a bug going round, but there must be!
Well i managesdsome chicken noodle soup this evening. Y'know the watery stuff. I'm gonna stay off work another day i think as my whole body is aching. I still feel awful but alot better than i did :) xx
oh dear. youve really been through it! Take as much time as you need to recover. Glad you managed dinner x
Glad to hear it hun :hug:

Was going to text you this evenin but I had 'neighbour' trouble :roll:

Take a really good rest hun , hope oh is looking after you :hug:

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