I feel guilty:(


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I feel really guilty at the moment and i just wana share. Im a smoker myself, not sure if any of you guys know this but i hope you dont judge me for it. I NEVER smoke in the house or anywhere near Hope and dont allow anyone else to either its a strict rule i have neither does my bf smoke in the house or near her. I only have 4 ciggys at the most a day and i really enjoy them but i feel so guilty bout it because i have hope. I gave up throughout pregnancy but as soon as i gave birth i couldnt stop my self am i a bad person coz i feel like it :cry:
corse u aint a bad person hun, u aint doing it infront of her and no smoke is aqtually being puffed infront of her to inhale. i am the same as u aswell and never smoke infront of the girls but still makes me feel like i am doing something wrong. if its making u feel so bad hun y dont u try gum or patches?
all the best
x sophie x
like i say i enjoy my cigs when i have them i just feel a little guilty thats all, as long as its not harming hope i guess its ok :hug: thanks hunny
Ur not a bad person for this at all hun, you go outside wen alot of other people dont. Hope is not effected by you smoking so I can see a problem with it unless you want to stop yourself. xxx
I agree, and I went back to smoking after my previous pregnancies too, but like you...never around them or in the house. At the end of the day your doing the right thing by not allowing it in the house or around them and thats a hell of a lot more than some smoking parents do! Ive seen women in pubs with thier kids, smoking with toddlers on there laps. Ive seen one woman (an ex friend) smoking while breastfeeding!!!!!!!! :shock:

You should be proud that you are not inflicting your smoking on to your baby, and quit when you are good and ready :hug:
I agree with what the others have said i gave up smoking when i was pregnant with Ellie and i have started smoking again but have bout 2 a day but i go outside and like you i dont smoke round Ellie and nor does anyone else. Gracexx
You have nothing to feel guilty for hun, I used to be a smoker myself, I gave up when I found out I was pregnant & tried to go back once Harrison was born but I really didn't enjoy it like I used to so decided not to. You are a great Mum and you are doing a fantastic job on bringing up Hope, you don't smoke round her, let her near it, so there is no reason why you should feel guilty doing something you enjoy!!

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