I Feel Awful


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I feel so bad... :oops: :cry:

My Mum came downstairs while I was putting the washing on in a little dress with sandals, she has a clubbed foot and has really low confidence about it. She always wears long trousers and flat(ish) shoes.

She said "it's such a shame because I really like my right leg! It's just a shame my left lets it down" so I said "you can't even notice Mum" because you genuinely couldn't notice it much at all! She said "nooo, just look at my right leg, forget the left, it's a shame isn't it?" and I said "oh for God's sake Mum it looks fine! Why come downstairs and ask us to have a look at one leg without looking at the other? Don't wear a dress then"

I said it quite snappy - but it was just SO thoughtless of me because she was so sweet on Saturday and couldn't wait to treat me to Vitamin E cream for my psoriasis from the Body Shop. She only had about £20 which she saved to come with me to London and she bought me a big tub for £7 and couldn't wait for me to try it to see how it worked. She's always trying to boost my confidence about my psoriasis...

Anyway, when I said it, she kind of just put her head down and went upstairs to change back into her old clothes...

I did say it quite snappy, the minute I said it I went upstairs and had a little cry because I really knocked her confidence without even thinking about her feelings. :( :cry: I have apologised, but I feel SOOOO awful!

I wish I could take it back now :( xx
Awww Dannii, I know what you mean. My mum does sooooo
much for me yet I still snap at her quite a bit :oops:
She's so not like me, she so selfless and i'm so selfish :oops:
Maybe just say to your mum you thought she looked great
and you were a little annoyed that she couldn't see she looked great?!
Tell her she should wear skirts more often as it genuinely isn't
noticeable and that you were trying to boost her confidence and not
knock it! xx
Yeah you're right! I did apologise but I just feel like I really hurt her :( I hate hurting my Mum, I adore that woman.

Thanks Claire (and you are SO far from selfish hun) :hug: xx
Bless her. She should look at the good points and she said herself she likes her other leg. The world would be a boring place if we were all the same.
I've got a little suggestion that might perk her up...I'll PM you ;) xx
Dannii, I snap at my mum sometimes too but I don't mean to be nasty :hug:

Your mum is GORGEOUS hun; I bloddy hope I look like that when I'm about to become a nan! :D :D :D
Aww thanks ladies... Jade, I could almost put money on the fact you'll look great when Evie has children! x
Hope you managed to get things sorted with your Mum, Dannii.

I have to say from pictures you've shown and from the London meet pictures, you Mum is a very beautiful looking lady :D
Im sure your mum understands you could be a bit snappy with the pregnancy atm, make her a nice cuppa with some biccies and ask her to watch telly with you, im sure she'll be fine...


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