I dont want to get you ladies excited....


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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...but i normally hear from sarah (EBLINX) and i havent heard from her all day, and then i rang her to see if she as ok, and her mobiles switched of....

*dances :cheer: *

she MIGHT be having her baby, btu probably not knowing my luck hahaha.... just really excited so thought id share...

if i get text ill let you all know...

and sarah if u read this and ur not pushing GET PUSHING THAT BABY OUT :D hahaha
ooo!! i do hope so :)

Hopefuly the next time someone hears from her, she will be holding her little bubba :cheer: :pray:
Oooooooh - There's gonna be a baby!!!!!! Come on Sarah PUSH!! :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer:
How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully this IS IT for Eblinx :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
*wakes up*
your not that lucky :shakehead:
I was sleeping :rotfl:
Oh NOOOOOOO!! I had just read this thread and thouht yay she's having little Damon, but oh no! :shakehead:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Im getting induced tomorrow so you can get excited then :cheer: :cheer:
you want me to be honest?
Im fucking shitting myself :rotfl: :rotfl:
I think i must be psychic cos i just knew you were gonna say that! :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Well i plan to re pack and re pack my bag today and tomorrow :cheer:
Do you think i should ring them tomorrow morning just to confirm or will i be ok to just go? :think:
I'd think you'd just go if you are booked in, and obviously haven't came in before now, they should know LO is still hanging in there!

Just think, by the end of the weekend you'll have your LO with you! :cheer:
I know its easier said than done but try not to worry about it Eblinx you will be fine, i was cr*pping my pants when i went to be induced but in the end it really wasnt as bad as i thought it would be!!

Best of Luck hun!! :hug: Cant wait to see piccys of your lil man!!

u sleep FAR too much, i text u at 3pm and then rang at like 6 then 9....

fired i had all but got my self convinced id wake in the night to a "he's ehre text!" lol

ah well

looks like its friday now! :p
thanks guys.
I really hope its not that bad.
He will be here soon :cheer: :cheer:
I will be sure to keep lozzi updated every step of the way so she can update you guys! :hug: :hug:
I got all excited reading this thread then :shakehead:

Will be thinking of you tomorrow hun. No need to crap yourself, just think of what you'll have by the end of it :D

:hug: xx
Oh hun sorry! was so excited at reading this one!
How u go into labour 2nite! If not i hope u have a speedy induction! :hug: :hug:
Still hanging in there then Eblinx?! Well done to you for not cracking up over the last week or so, I am on the brink now - I keep giving myself false hope and then nothing!! Everyone thinks I am mad for wishing the time away, and next week I know I will be thinking I should have made more of the time I had to myself but for now, it is sooo frustrating. Loads of luck for tomorrow, will be checking in for regular updates.

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