I don't want to get my hopes up!


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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For the last hour I've been getting period type pains along the bottom of my bump and along my back, I have been to my local shopping center and done a lot of walking today. I haven't been timing them because they haven't been regular but not that painful atm it's just uncomfortable x I had some increased discharge the last couple days and it's been kinda jelly like but not bloody! I really don't want to get my hopes up but I'm not complaining if it's the start of something x
Sounds like you've over done it. I used to get muscle pain (felt like period pains) when id over done it or lifted too much things)... My plug started coming away at 32 weeks too, and still no sign of baby!

But im no expert and it could be something else.....
I wouldn't gamble on it though. Labour tricks the mind!
I was told false labour is what I'd been having.
Period pains in lower back and bump
contractions or tightenings that were irregular in length and distance apart
loss of some mucus plug but no bleeding or bloody show.

Apparently it can go on a bit before the real thing so you never know. xxx
Thanks I'm taking some paracetamol and see if I can sleep and if it's still like it tomorrow then I'll ring the hospital and see what they say
I had this yesterday and thankfully it turned out to be nothing so far. Mine eased off after a bath. But you never know :shock: so many of us have had stuff happen this week I even checked the lunar calendar lol but there's no full moon til next week xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh great baby brain this must be the calm before the storm for us!! We'll be in labour watch heaven :) glad you ok though.

Winnie how you feeling x x
I can just see the headlines lol....."Labour Wards Full As Website Members Explode" :D
It is a little strange. I know women are meant to sync their periods etc but jesus this is silly. lol. The labour watch on here will go sky high in a few weeks. We'll all be in having our babies at the same time so no-one will be able to update. People will sign on to the tri 3 site and tumbleweed will blow across the screen. lol
Hahahahaha either that or it will frighten the life out of them :D. It's all getting a bit exciting now, the girls in baby and toddler or tri 2 might have to step in as bump buddies lmao xxxxxxxx
we all seem so close as a group that we are all going through stuff at the same time. Its really strange but very very funny. xx
Was June/July especially cold or boring last year lol
maybe it was the opposite and really sunny and warm and it made us all damn frisky!!!!!! lol
Good morning girls, so went to bed at 11 last night and took some paracetamol and had the best nights sleep I've had for a while, I think I overdid the walking yesterday and thank you all for the messages, will try and relax today and take it easy! Touchwood I haven't had any pains this morning so all good! :)
Hopefully all our babies will wait to be fully cooked lol. Glad you are feeling better xxxxxxxxx

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