I don't want to get excited but.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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....might this be it???? Possibly???? Maybe????? Dear God Pleeeeeeease????

Went out for a walk with OH earlier and since about 6 this evening have been getting period pains every 5-10mins or so, each one lasting about 30 secs on average.

I've got no back ache or anything, the pain is literally right under my bump where you'd expect a period pain to be.

Do you guys think this might be the start of something???
sounds like it!!! i would suggest to go sleep so u got energy to push lo out :D

I'm scared to go to bed in case it stops! Although I know it'd be sensible to. I just don't want to have gone through the past few hours of getting a little bit excited, just to wake up tomorrow and still be pregnant lol.
Yay!! Sweep did the trick then by the sounds of things :dance::dance::dance:

good luck, hope to be reading of big developments in the morning xxx:dance:
Fingers crossed for you that this is the sweep working!
Well, the pains are still coming about 5-7 mins apart. Could not get to sleep as couldn't relax enough so I've had a 2hr long bath lol and just come out now and got Tens hooked up as they say to start with that early.

OH sleeping at mo and I am downstairs watching Australia's Next Top Model which I sky plussed the other day!!!

Looks like my text buddy Keljordan is seeing some action too, as is my backup Squeakz so is anyone else available for potential texts tomorrow??
Can you message me first and I'll reply? For some reason I can't send a new message on tapatalk.
Hi Hun u ok?? I'm currently in bed oh asleep but I'm def having contractions and they are right in my back oof!!! I'm trying to leave it as long as poss but don't know how much more I can stand :0 the midwifes at the hosp are such miserable cows!!! I'm losing quite a bit of mucus and blood everytime I go to loo is this ok??? Sorry to get in on your thread kathryn hope we have them on same day :) x I'm a bit scared though xx

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You'll be fine hon- go in when you feel the time is right despite what they say- you know your own body best. Good luck! Xx
Hey Kelly,

my pains are all in the front at the mo - like really bad period pains (sure they're going to get worse though) - so I'm thinking this is def early labour. They start on the left as that is where bubs is lying and then spread across to the middle.

Have you had a bath - it really helped me chill out and relax a bit cos I got a bit shaky and nauseous with anxiety when it started, I'm OK now.

I think losing plug every time you go to loo is fine - I keep losing a bit too each time - but then this is my first so what do I know!!

It would be fab if we both had them on same day. Stay cool chick and deffo keep in touch despite the fact I might not be able to get on here to update for you.
Hey don't worry bout than Hun ha, I'm in bath as we speak, I know what you mean about feeling shaky and sick! My pains are right under my bump and they are like a really tight period pain but coz baby is back to back I think that's why I can feel it there x ooh they bloody hurt though, bath is helping x

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And thanks annie my mum has just said exactly the same thing, bloody stupid midwifes I've got!!! Take some paracetamol and try go to sleep??????? I ain't got a fookin headache love I think I'm in labour!!! Lol xx

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Ooooh how exciting x good luck x
Ha ha Kelly - you tell em!

Pains still coming a steady 5 mins apart, still only lasting about 30 secs each though. Should they start to last longer??? Coping with pains quite well at mo, Tens is working well. Not going to call hosp yet but just unsure of when I should do it.

In my preg notes I have a table of signs to look out for at each stage and according to that if pains are 5mins or less apart and lasting 20-60 secs then I'm in the first stage of active labour. I just don't want to phone or turn up and look like an idiot and be sent home.

Going to put my hypnobirthing CD on and see if by relaxing to that I can get something more out of these pains.

Any advice gratefully received if anyone's awake.
Hey hunni's they stay at every 5 mins and are 30 seconds for longer I would go with tour bodies instinct and go in if you think you need to if they et closer together or are longer/more intense I would def get seen xxx

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Aw another labour watch, yay! Good luck hun! X

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