i dont know where to start?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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im 20 working about 18 hours a week. being made redundant at the end of the month. living with my dad. i dont know what im entitled to or where to start. or even when i can start applying.

can any of you lead me in the right direction please? many thanks girls :D
would you be claiming as being single? if so you could get income support or incapicity benefit once you become heavily pregnant? best thing would be to phone job centre plus. they can be some times quite helpful
Could you not look for another part time job for now? I know its hard when you're pregnant but legally they cannot give you a job because you are pregnant. I don't think you could get Incapasity Benefit because looking it up, it says its for people who are unable to work due to an illness or disability :think: I think Income Support would be your best option!
You are 16 weeks now right? So having worked 18 hours a week for your present employer you should qualify later on for maternity allowance, providing you've worked enough in the qualifying period etc.

Maternity Allowance

What is it?

Maternity Allowance (MA) may be available to help you take time off to have your baby if you are not entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay from an employer. MA is also available if you are registered self-employed or have done some employed or self-employed work in the 15 months, before the week your baby is due.

You should claim as soon as you can after you have been pregnant for 26 weeks. If you delay, you may lose benefit. There are a number of conditions that you need to meet in order to claim maternity benefit.

If your Expected Week of Childbirth is on or before 31 March 2007, MA can be paid for up to 26 weeks.

If your Expected Week of Childbirth is on or after 1 April 2007, MA can be paid for up to 39 weeks.

The important date for working out how long MA can be paid for is the date your baby is due not when your baby is actually born.

What are the benefit rates?

Standard rate: £112.75 or 90% of your average gross weekly earnings if this is less than £112.75.

Maternity Allowance Threshold (MAT): £30.00.
What do I need to do next?

To make sure you do not miss out on any benefit due to you, you should contact us to find out if you need to fill in this form. If you download a form you should contact us to establish the date of your claim. For more information contact Jobcentre Plus.

You can either check the link above and find the central number to call or else contact your local Jobcentre and they will point you in the right direction. I sent off my paperwork a little while back and it was pretty straightforward. Just make sure you have you pay slips and select the ones where you earnt the most in the qualifying period.

Also it might be worth you stopping by your local JobCentre and having a chat with them about what you can claim once redundant. Also looking for other work is good. There may be something out there that will tide you over for a bit :)

Good luck :hug:
I dont think she will be entitled to Maternity allowance because she hasn't been employed for 26 weeks
Who is eligible?

You might get Maternity Allowance if:

* you're employed, but not eligible for Statutory Maternity Pay
* you're registered self-employed and paying Class 2 National Insurance Contributions (NICs), or hold a Small Earnings Exception certificate

You may be eligible if:

* you've been at work for at least 26 weeks of the 'test period' (66 weeks up to and including the week before your baby is due). Part weeks count as full weeks
* you earned an average of £30 in any 13 of the weeks in the test period

Coming from this website http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTa...ort/Expectingorbringingupchildren/DG_10018869
i will be claiming as single, as my partner is going to stay in his flat and pay up the arrears and eventually sell the flat, which will take a bit of time. so i will have no finantial help from him. so i want to try and set up home on my own, untill the flat is sold and we can move in together.
your best bet would be to speak to someone at the job centre.

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