Am i entitled to maternity pay.....


New Member
Sep 4, 2010
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Hi everyone, im nearly 13 weeks pregnant and im worrying if im gonna be entitled to any maternity pay as i have not been working for a bout a year or so, ive had family problems and been depressed, ive been on antidepressants too, but now im pregnant and moving in with my fella im starting to feel alot happier and want to go back to work but cant find anything at the moment so im gonna start claiming job seekers allowance, but i cant find anything on the internet about being entitled to maternity pay if you havent worked for a long time or because ive been depressed!
I really dont know what to do can anybody help PLEASE!!!!!!
I forgot to say that my boyfriend earns around 350 a week but all his money will be used for his morgage/coucil tax/utility bills etc that we will be living in so there wont really be much money left!
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hey, youll probably be entitled to maternity allowance - look it up on that should be ok for you! child tax credits probably too, once the baby is born x
To qualify for mat allowance u need to have been working for 26 weeks in the 66 weeks b4 ur baby is due. I've been fillin the form out today so know a bit about it lol. otherwise u may b able to claim ESA but u only get that for approx 13 weeks I think xxx
Yea, MA is for people who have been working but don't qualify for SMP, I've had to apply for that because I've been off sick since June but I still technically have a job. You should qualify for Child Tax Credits as thats income based so as long as you and your OH don't earn, I think its 40K, between you then you should have no problem getting that. Also you'll get child benefit, everyone gets that at the moment, i think. The best thing to do is phone them up, explain your situation and the people at the jobcentre should be able to tell you what you qualify for. I find them really helpful.

Good luck!

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To qualify for mat allowance u need to have been working for 26 weeks in the 66 weeks b4 ur baby is due. I've been fillin the form out today so know a bit about it lol. otherwise u may b able to claim ESA but u only get that for approx 13 weeks I think xxx

I know I'm hijacking but didn't want start another maternity pay thread in those 26 weeks can that be classes as maternity leave coz I was on maternity leave up until July with my dd then I returned to work so does the previous mat leave count as work if you know what I mean
If u was in employment in that time then ul qualify for smp...if u were self employed then aslong as u paid ni contributions the whole time then ul qualify for ma x
Yeh I was employed coz I was just on mat leave with my first dd who do I need to.ring to arrange everything or apply
If u were employed and still employed by same person then u should get smp and they should sort all that out 4 u x

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