I dont know whats happend.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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I cant help but think more and more about how much i hate how "today" is!

My uncle has just split up with his wife after 10/11 years. It got me thinking about how strange some people can be. Neither of them have ever worked a day in their lives. They have 5 kids together. They have 7 dogs and 5 cats and loads of other pets (fish, hamster, rabbits..). When Travis (the littlest) was 6months old I noticed he had marks on his face and fingers. I asked his older sister (6) what they were and she said it was rats biting him when he was asleep! I asked my aunty and she ignored me and didn’t even like me playing with him. All their kids are always scruffy looking and dirty.
One day she was talking to my granddad and Travis started having a mardy…my aunty said it was because he needed his nappy changing and she would “do it later”. 3 hours passed and he was still sat there with a dirty nappy crying his eyes out.
None of my cousins can read or write and there aged 1 to 12. My uncle baths them once a week at the most and all 5 share the same bath at the same time. So my cousin Aron who is 12 gets in the bath with my Zoë who is 6. And to make it worse they don’t use soap!
My cousin Aron (the oldest) is 12 now and because his mum and dad have split up he has to look after his 4 younger brothers and sisters. He’s never allowed out because he has all these responsibilities! I have helped him clean the little ones up but my aunty has a go at me and says “what are you doing there fine leave them alone”. But poor Travis couldn’t even open his eyes because they were covered in mud and eye goo!
Me and my mum used to look after 2 of them when they were younger and we taught them how to read and cleaned them regularly, Iv never seen a kid that’s amazed to see soap before and she was 6 years old! I feel so bad for them but no one will do anything. All the kids sleep on plastic bags and the house is infested with rats. They’ve already spent £1000’s on an electrician because the rats have eat through the wires!
I wish these kids were mine, I love them so much and their parents don’t even have the decency to dress them. My cousin was sent home from school because he smelt so bad, and when she picked them up she left one behind and he was stood in the play ground crying for 2 hours till she realised.

What can I do?
Thats awful, you'd think the school would mention something to social services, or a health visitor
aww thats awful! I don't have any advise hun but I can understand why you are so upset :( it's awful seeing things like this happen and it's even worse when it's in your own family! :hug:
I know it;s family Jenna, but i'm sorry if it was going on in my family i would report them to social services, it;s not fair on those kids to be being rbought up, or should i say dragged up like that, kids deserve much better than that hun.

Sorry if i seema bit harsh, but i would honestly report them no doubt about it.

Its not harsh at all. I would go as far as to say shes abusing them. I dont think its right to take them off her though, i really do want her to change how she treats them. I just want them to be happy and i know if this carries on they will learn what theyve missed out on and hate there parents for it.

Its that bad that my grandad has seperate cups for them because he's scared of catching anything from them! :cry:
I'd say the same, I would report them. No child should have to live like that
That's child abuse, those children should not be in that situation if they are to have any hope of being healthy, well adjusted adults. I know they are family but I think you should report it for the sake of the children that you love.

I know its a hard situation to be in but that's heartbreaking to hear that children are living like that.

Good luck :hug:
I'd report her hun. I know you don't want the kids to be taken away and reporting her doesn't mean that they will be taken off of her unless they see it as really severe. A "friend" of mine used to leave her son with anyone and go away for weekends when she said she'd only be gone for the evening. Her mum was often left with her son whilst she did drugs and disappeared without telling her for sometimes up to a week. Her mum called social services in the end because she didn't want to see her grandchild go through it. The social took the little boy 4 times and gave him to his dad who just handed him back to his mum when she decided to come back again. She still has him (she really shouldn't) so they don't just take them away like that.
I worry about posting details about me and my family on here Jenna, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about but just because you have a pic of yourself too? I'm just saying be careful, you never know who reads the posts. :D
Id report them too. its not fair on the kids. social services will visit and warn her to get her arse in gear before they decide to remove them!
For them kids sake, just do it anonamously or something!! They must get terrorised at school too!!
Definitely report them Jenna - that is nothing less than child abuse.

The children may not actually be taken off her, that is actually the last thing that the authorities want to do. They should however, help the mother to cope with the children, and show her how to care for them properly.

Those poor children. It's actually brought a tear to my eyes thinking about them. :cry:
Neglect is abuse hun and for a 12 year old to share a bath with little kids he must feel mortified. I'm a social worker, REPORT THEM, you can do it anonymously. Not being funny but they will also be claiming hundreds for those kids in benefits, how much of that do THEY see?
Disgraceful :x
You need to report them, that is neglect and if it goes on these children could end up very sick...

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