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I did something really bad


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
I ws in town shopping with the kids and stephen was playing me up big time and the bus was really late to get home = so........

I bought cigerettes and smoked and feel so guilty and like i have let myself down :cry: :cry: :cry:

I threw them away though as i realised how stupid it was having now not having smoked for nerly a year

Don't start again......stopping is harder everytime...

:clap: :clap: for throwing them away

Be strong :hug:
Thats the shít thing becks, having that fag stopped me from killing stephen :rotfl:
He really was that naughty
i love a fag after getting stressed out but i know its bad but i cant help it
i need to get preg again haha thats the only thing that has EVER made me stop lol
mrs_tommo22 said:
Thats the shít thing becks, having that fag stopped me from killing stephen :rotfl:
He really was that naughty

Thats why I started again... Tia was being so difficult one day, just crying and crying and crying, none stop for several hours, my ex was still smoking and I was going to kill her, so I just put her down, walked away and had a cigarette... I never smoked as much as I did before I had her, just 5 to 10 a day, but it lasted till I got pregnant again this time round, and that was like 7 years later... once you start again, I think it's more difficult to stop. :think:
It is more difficult 2nd time around because you remember how bad it was giving up the 1st time.

Stay strong, you must resist.
:hug: try not to have another - but it is horrible some days when you feel like killing them :wink:
Becksss said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
they are sooooooooooooooooo funny

:( mrs_tommo its ok tbh a fag helps haha

Pleased i entertain you.
I thought that too but when my little boy started copying me and pretending to smoke, I realised how gutted I'd be when he started for real. That helps.
MN.. dont worry about it.. theres pleanty more in life to get upset and stressed over.. dont let sad people get to you. u know. i would be ever so slightly flattered that someone was thinking about you for so long they had to go photoshop u.. i mean they got nothing better to do with their life than to think bout u..
oops sorry bad timing with the posting - the feeling really guilty comment (with a wink) wasn't a dig at emma about her son copying her - more about the way this thread had gone
I don't know Libs but am sure it'll be backsoon..I never even replied to Mrs T - sorry :oops:

Look you had a cigerette, its a lapse but what you do from now on is what counts. You have thrown them away, not smoked the rest of them so please stop being so hard on yourself and think about how well you are doing!!!!!!! (need a pat on the back smiley)
Good god what have I done, I was just confessing online that i had had a snaeaky fag and felt bad, and after reading all this i need another now.

Why are you all bitching for?Were supposed to all be friends and comrades, we are here to support one another. :D

Hugs to all :hug: :hug: :hug:
libs said:
oops sorry bad timing with the posting - the feeling really guilty comment (with a wink) wasn't a dig at emma about her son copying her - more about the way this thread had gone

No probs :D
I didn't think it was a dig at me-don't worry :hug:
emma,my mum used to smoke and I copied her, with those candy cigerettes and the chocolate ones (can anyone else remember those??) But then we had a lesson in school about how bad smoking was and I turned into a right anti-smoking activist. My poor mum, she would light up and I would either cover my face and say "you're making me ill" or would tell her what she was doing to her body I must have been a nightmare lol.
i remember them beanie! do they still make them? they used to come in fag type packets as well didn't they.

Mrst - if you don't want to smoke you did the right thing by chucking hte pack away. Turn it round into a positive. now you have done it and you know how bad it has made you feel, next time you want one. come back and read this thread. It will remind you how bad you felt after and shoudl hopefuly stop you wanting another one.

Sam&Alice said:
i remember them beanie! do they still make them? they used to come in fag type packets as well didn't they.


I used 2 get them from like little news agents ahaha
Becksss said:
Sam&Alice said:
i remember them beanie! do they still make them? they used to come in fag type packets as well didn't they.


I used 2 get them from like little news agents ahaha
do they still m ake them?
worryngly enough they do still make them - but they call them candy sticks and at least they don't come in pretend cig packets anymore :?

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