I did it!!! (hair!)


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Well, my hairdresser said she would come to mine to do my hair after all the "OMG Look at my roots - no time for salon before I leave" panic I had the other day....

welllll... she came and dropped off what I needed instead :?

Anyways, I did it.... does the colour look ok??
This the before with the horrid nasty roots...


And this is it now...



Pllllleeeeaaase be honest - I dont want to go to the states to see my hubby with sh*t hair! :lol: I think it looks ok, considering I had no idea what I was doing!! :lol:
TBH and you did ask ! i think it does look a bit more organey before but with your complexion thatll probs be quite nice ! And the streaks look really even and not clumpy which for me has always been the hardest bit, so well done on that one im hopeless!!
As long as your happy with it though thats all that matters ! :)

Oh and just to add iv alwasy found when i was blonde that mine looked a bit orangey when i twas first dyed ( i did it myself) and then calmed down a bit once id washed it a few times etc :) Good job girlie !! I didnt know hairdressers would do that, thats a great idea them droppin off wut ya need !
Oh no, does it look orange???? It is alot more goldy than last time, but I wanted to tone down the yellow-ness! :?
aww no its not at all orange its just that the original pics look ike a white blonde n this ones more of a blonde blonde iykwim :? , i do think it looks great though n really suits ya !
welldone hun.

It does look orange in the second pic but its prob the pic not the hair as the other 2 look ok. That will tone down after a week or 2 anyway :hug:
yerr it looks a bit brassy but tht cud be the light the picture was took x
Jeez, I'd never be able to do it that well myself. Well done!

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