I could cry! In fact I am crying!

Im doing ok thanks hun, just plodding along seems like the pregnancy has made my blood pressure low and possibly anaemic as been having dizzy spells, went the doctors yesterday as i started panicking wandering what was up, as i was sat down at work and thought i was going to pass out!! Should of been my first midwife appointment today so been keeping busy, but like you im going to try take it easy now!! Back on the ttc train but god knows when and if ive ovulated, opk arnt playing ball the buggers! so just been dtd as much as possible! Hope your feeling a little better after speaking to a counsellor and reassuring your its normal to feel abit downxx
I think opks are like that at first - I havnt used once since mc but back using cbfm and that seems ok!! Hope you have a wondeful Xmas and all the bd'ing has worked xxx
Well just checked my cm and the discharge is brown sorry tmi! So i think perhaps my periods on its way in which case dont think ive ovulated?x
Hi nat

I would say if af is on way you def ovulated - af would be delayed if you hadn't had ov so sounds like body getting back to normal - not what you wanted to see but hopefully your cycle getting back on track xxx
Yeah if is af i just want it to come and sod right off again!!! I just dot understand because ive not had a positive opk and been doing them twice a day so dont miss it and been doing them since 8 days after my bleed after mc so classed it as cd1 so started testing on cd8, so just confused me abit!!! Guess ill see if anything comes in next few days as i only saw it as was checking my cm and cervixx
It's crap isn't it not knowing where you are in cycle- may last cycle showed ov on cd23 if I classed cd 1 as first day of bleed! I'm not sure when having a mc what day is actually cd1 - it makes me wonder if its the day the mc is classed as complete because only then will the body loose the h g hormone and regulate the other hormones! I only know I ov'd because I temp - not through opks!

Hope you know where you are soon and you can get cycle back to a normal pattern x
Thanks hun yeah it is crap not knowing, ill continue using opk just incase until af shows!ha but you could be right about the cd1 being from when the mc is classed as over because like you say the hormones need leave your body!! Who nows hopefully one day some smart kid will figure all this crap out!!! Xx

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