I cant wait...


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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to TTC no 2 :lol:

First I gotta find me a DECENT man this time. I thought OH was the one for the job after knowing him for 14years but I got that wrong :roll:

I have been looking at bump pics and my fertility friend and James is just too goddam cute & makes me broody for more of him!!! I think it will be a while yet beofre I TTC but Im already excited about it :D
:D Me too hun, apparently its a common feeling once your bubba is a few months old,

I have the decent man its just persuading him that no 2 is a good idea! :rotfl:

I was packing away some of Eva's too-small things today and said 'the next one will either have to be a girl or a very pretty boy cos these clothes are so lovely' - OH said 'the next one????' and went a bit pale lol :lol: He didnt say 'no' though!
I know how you feel Sarah! I am exactly the same! Scary really isnt it since our babies are so young lol
I was thinking about number 2 while I was in labour! Took OH a few weeks to get over the shock of my labour to want another one though, he's now agreed that another one would b lovely so we're gonna start TTC in about 9 months ... I think babies are addictive!
hubby wants s to start ttc now but its not practical at all at the moment not that i perticaly want to go threw pregnancy again
I only had Angel for 1 hour when he said "Right, next one's a boy!" I was still sat starkers, all sweaty and in an absolute state, breastfeeding for the very first time and he's already planned the next! Lol

Yeah i want another. we're gonna wait til Angel's 2. I just go through stages. I'd love a new little baby, but then sometimes i just want Angel to have my full attention. He'll get his own way though. I've told him the next will be a girl, so he said i'll have to have another then! :lol:
Me too luv!

I'm in exactly the same situation as you, although I DIDN'T think that my ex was the one! I'd left him and two weeks later discovered I was pregnant!

I can't wait to be with someone good, and make the decision together to have a baby. Do all the TTC stuff and POAS stuff!
Me too, think how cute it will be when they play together and stuff! My OH def wants 2 which is cool.

I'm sure you'll have no probs finding a nice guy, you are young and gorgeous after all . . .
ive been battling last month or so , i was determind for number two , and hubby was agreed but ive struggled the last month or so and am now scared i coudlnt cope with number 2 and lelands enough , so who knows , we were planning on trying at xmas , i also dont know how to cope with pregnancy and baby ! i was so sick first time round !

oh and money :rotfl: or lack of with 2 lil ones around ! i wanna be able to take leland loads of places , and it gets expensive with 2 !!
We had already planned number 2 when I was still pregnant! And we've already decided that we'll start TTC #3 in Then stop at 3 kids.

I get so broody, even now I'm pregnant I still look at DS's baby photos and think I want another one! OH thinks I'm bonkers but he's broody too :D .
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to TTC no 2 :lol:

First I gotta find me a DECENT man this time. I thought OH was the one for the job after knowing him for 14years but I got that wrong :roll:

I have been looking at bump pics and my fertility friend and James is just too goddam cute & makes me broody for more of him!!! I think it will be a while yet beofre I TTC but Im already excited about it :D
:D Me too hun, apparently its a common feeling once your bubba is a few months old,

I have the decent man its just persuading him that no 2 is a good idea! :rotfl:

I was packing away some of Eva's too-small things today and said 'the next one will either have to be a girl or a very pretty boy cos these clothes are so lovely' - OH said 'the next one????' and went a bit pale lol :lol: He didnt say 'no' though!
I know how you feel Sarah! I am exactly the same! Scary really isnt it since our babies are so young lol
I was thinking about number 2 while I was in labour! Took OH a few weeks to get over the shock of my labour to want another one though, he's now agreed that another one would b lovely so we're gonna start TTC in about 9 months ... I think babies are addictive!
hubby wants s to start ttc now but its not practical at all at the moment not that i perticaly want to go threw pregnancy again
I only had Angel for 1 hour when he said "Right, next one's a boy!" I was still sat starkers, all sweaty and in an absolute state, breastfeeding for the very first time and he's already planned the next! Lol

Yeah i want another. we're gonna wait til Angel's 2. I just go through stages. I'd love a new little baby, but then sometimes i just want Angel to have my full attention. He'll get his own way though. I've told him the next will be a girl, so he said i'll have to have another then! :lol:
Me too luv!

I'm in exactly the same situation as you, although I DIDN'T think that my ex was the one! I'd left him and two weeks later discovered I was pregnant!

I can't wait to be with someone good, and make the decision together to have a baby. Do all the TTC stuff and POAS stuff!
Me too, think how cute it will be when they play together and stuff! My OH def wants 2 which is cool.

I'm sure you'll have no probs finding a nice guy, you are young and gorgeous after all . . .
ive been battling last month or so , i was determind for number two , and hubby was agreed but ive struggled the last month or so and am now scared i coudlnt cope with number 2 and lelands enough , so who knows , we were planning on trying at xmas , i also dont know how to cope with pregnancy and baby ! i was so sick first time round !

oh and money :rotfl: or lack of with 2 lil ones around ! i wanna be able to take leland loads of places , and it gets expensive with 2 !!
We had already planned number 2 when I was still pregnant! And we've already decided that we'll start TTC #3 in then stop at 3 kids.

I get so broody, even now I'm pregnant I still look at DS's baby photos and think I want another one! OH thinks I'm bonkers but he's broody too :D .
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