i cant wait...


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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i cant wait untill my first appoinment, it feels like its dragging. im about 5 weeks and 1 day and my appoinment isnt untill feb 16th!! iv only spoke to the midwife on the phone when i booked it. i will be about 8 weeks by then and it just feels like its going to go really slow :( they also done me an appointment for the 9th feb to check everythin is ok with my thyroid but thats just wiv the normal doctor. i just want to know everything is alright. did any1 else have to wait this long? i also havent had any symptoms yet, my boobs have got bigger but there not sore and i havent even been sick or felt sick. iv just been goin for a wee more often and have a few cramps now n then but thats about it. xx
you have another 35 weeks to go!! :D dont stress yourself... it wont put the time in any quicker chick. youll be fine!!! in a few weeks invest in a doppler if you are still stressing or a stethoscope!! :D xx
loool!! i kno i havent been stressin myself out cus i know it ent good for the baby lol but it jus seems like forever!! haha!! yeh i fink i mite get one of those. wheres the best place to get one from?? x
I remember it feeling like an eternity with my first and the midwives and doctors were so laid back about the whole thing, like it happens all the time....!!!!! The most frustrating thing for me was that I needed to know for sure that I really was pregnant as I only had about 8 postive pregnancy tests to prove it and I needed to see for sure that there was something inside!! You will feel totally different once you have had your first scan and then before you know it-you'll be a mother with no time for yourself!!!!:shock:
Yeah, I literally couldn't wait for a scan my first time... it feels like you're not getting anywhere until you see it. Then you spend the next 8 weeks waiting for another one.

Still looking forward to my scan this time, can't wait to be able to tell people... but I'm not as worked up about it as the first time.
Just relax, at least you have dates even if just now they seem rather far away, they're not really in the grand scheme of things.
Yes it does drag but time does eventually fly by! Try to relax and think about something else (like thats gonna happen!!) - you really will have baby in your arms before you know it!
lol my times going a lil too quick now. real doctors stethoscope - ebay. i dont have a doppler but theres a few threads running on here bout which is best to get. some of the girls got heartbeat from as early as 8 weeks :D its defo nice reassurance!! it also means you can work out position :D mine confirms that my lil rascal is breech i hope the hb will be low all the time but its not :D xx
ahh so easy for me to say but try not to stress too much. Luckily I had christmas to distract me waiting for my booking in appointment. I was about 9 weeks by then I think. Once thats out the way you will be waiting for your first scan, then you will be waiting for your results...its a loooonnngg waiting game. Just celebrated leaving the first trimester myself and then realised its still half a year til baby arrives! It will all be worth it in the end. I totally understand why some people become addicted to pregnancy testing while waiting for the scan!!
try not to worry minx_09. i have only just started to feel sick and just 'off' and im 7 weeks just. a few weeks ago i felt very little too which made me worry!! i still do worry until i see that first scan....but i think the more we think about the time thing...the more it'll drag!! im so impatient at the mo but just try not to think ahead tooooo much or it wil defo drag! this is my first so i didnt like having hardly any symptoms at first, but even now its only feeling sick aswell as minor things which is better than some are having it so ive learnt to just be thankful like others told me :) they say sickness kicks in usually week 6 so who knows whats in store for you next week!!enjoy feeling great!

i was supposed to see midwife this week at 7 weeks but cant but 8 weeks sounds about normal to me. they certainly are never in a rush to see you before necessary from what ive been told anyway!

i really do feel like reassurance too about being pregnant too though so you aren't alone. i try not to worry, and i think however we feel, it'll never be enough to reassure us until that scan!


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