i cant sleep!


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Any of you other ladies still wide awake? I just cannot get to sleep - I don't even feel tired! I feel really awake like I have been on the double espressos and I have cut caffine out LOL. I have had a busy day cleaning and think I should be tired by now. I have to get up reasonably early for my MW appointment tomorrow too - I'm going to be good for nothing with the amount of sleep I will eventually have!

Hope you got some sleep flopsy! I've had more sleep since baby arrived than I did in tri 3. Ok awake with toothache tonight though and I have to be up in 2 hours to get us both ready for the health visitor!

Wow, you have more sleep with the baby than before?! That's lucky! :) well I finally got to sleep about 4.30am I think - I feel all headachy and grumpy. OH is conked out like a log and it is annoying me something rotten!!

Lol I should of checked this I was up at same time as you for one of my many toilet trips ! Lol . Hope feel better xx
im really struggling for sleep at the minute. everytime i move to get comfy i am getting the worse cramp ever. im almost to the point of tears sometimes it really hurts. i had cramp alot this pregnancy but its come back big time now.

also feel like i cant switch off. just lay there but dont want to get out of bed and give in. xxx
Do you mean cramp in the legs? That is a killer! I haven't had it too much fortunately but it really really hurts - I know what you mean about it having you in tears.

The latest thing I am suffering from is a terrible pain in mt back and hip especially on my left side. It only seemsa to happen after I get up after lying down. I have had it the last 2 nights. It hurts to walk or move. Feels like somebody trying to dig a knife into the ball and socket joint. I think it maybe baby lying on a nerve. Will check with MW when I go in a bit. - If she doesn't chuck me out for being grumpy!

I'm getting cramp as in pains sorta in my hips and thighs and have to keep switching in the night!! I'm a back sleeper or tummy sleeper so def miss being comfy!! :( x
Hi, I am really struggling with sleep at the moment; and I have had to change side with OH due to toilet trips, and I cannot sleep on the other side of the bed even when not pregnant... is awful, tonight I am going to bed early and will not be drinking to much before bed and maybe sleep through the night.. I am getting pains in hips and tummy and am tossing and turning most nights, is awful.. xx
I am a side sleeper anyway so that doesn't bother me. I'm lucky there! :)

Merfairy- nothing would induce me to give up my side of the bed. Even if it meant waking DH 100 times a night! Lol! I think I am becoming a little unreasonable and demanding at the moment. Bless DH he is being so patient with me although he does look a bit shocked a lot of the time, probably due to my many emotional outbursts!

I am a side sleeper anyway so that doesn't bother me. I'm lucky there! :)

Merfairy- nothing would induce me to give up my side of the bed. Even if it meant waking DH 100 times a night! Lol! I think I am becoming a little unreasonable and demanding at the moment. Bless DH he is being so patient with me although he does look a bit shocked a lot of the time, probably due to my many emotional outbursts!


If I get to bed early tonight, I will steal my side back!! x
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