I can't do it!


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Hi, I stopped taking my anti depressants (60mg citalopram) when I found out I was pregnant but I'm really struggling - very stressed, very emotional, horrible side affects and my patience is horrendous. :cry:

I was speaking to my mother in law today who said she thinks I'm putting myself through to much and said maybe I should cut down to half the dose and go see the doctor about it.

can anyone offer any advice? anyone taking it, stopped taking it or carried on as normal? did it affect anyone's baby?

Any advice would be great as I'm really struggling! Thanks :think:
The only person you should take advce from is your GP - i dont think anyone on here is qualified enought to give you advice. I would make an appointment with your GP for next week.

Hope they are able to provide the answers you are looking for x

I'd say definitely see your doc too. I will say though, that I've got a friend who is on long-term antidepressants - she was taking them when she got pregnant, and then had a panic because she realised after some research that they weren't safe!! Anyway, she went to her doc and was given some different ones that were ok; now she has a healthy baby boy of nearly a year old.

Hope that gives you some reassurance. :hug:
I also think you should see your GP and discuss this with him/her. They are qualified to advise you and possibly give you alternatives.

One thing to note, did you discuss with your GP when you stopped taking them? I always thought you had to come off anti depressants slowly so as to not have problems.

I really do think you should go see your GP asap about this either way.

as everyone else has said hun you definately must go see your Dr as soon as you can about tabs. If you stop taking them suddenly it can give bad withdrawals. I weaned myself off of those and still got the withdrawals which are horrendous at the time but they dont last too long :hug:

Everyone is right, you must go and see your doc to get advice. I took was on long term AD before my pregnancy (but I gave up a few months before conceiving), but doc and pschyotherapist watching carefully. They say that they maybe able to prescribe something if it becomes too much as sometimes the needs of the mother must be met to ensure a safe and happy pregnancy.
Please go and see your doc, he/she will be able to refer you to a therapist to support you through your pregnancy and discuss your medication with you.

Pregnancy is a wonderful, wonderful event, but it is also a time of big changes physically and emotionally...there is no shame in feeling unable to cope and needing some help.

I wish you lots of luck honey!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i was on steraline before i found out i was pregnant, for depression and a panic disorder, the doctor told me i couldnt carry on taking them and said to see how i was feeling after a couple of weeks and he'd review it, luckily i wasnt as bad as i thought id be, admittedly i havent been out as much as i should as i have been getting a bit panicy but overall im ok.

a couple of my friends carried on taking prozac thoughout their pregnancy and i read something recently about jordan still taking prozac through her pregnancy, i'm not sure if thats what the doctor would have had me try if id have gone back to him, but he did say that there was things other than what i was on he could try me with. so yeah, as everyone else said, ask the doctor. :)

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