I cant cope :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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My little man is constantly whinging and grumbling and I cant cope!!

I've had 2 hours sleep in as many nights!

He's 4 weeks old and has been doing this since he was about 4 days old. The first time he started doing it, we ended up at the hospital at 5am because we were so worried because he wouldnt settle and we'd been trying to wind him all night. Although the little monkey did decide as soon as we'd called the hospital and they'd said to come in, that he would settle as soon as he was clipped into the car (without the engine even running). That trick doesnt work anymore though!

We've probably had two good nights out of him so far, where he woke up every 4 hours for feeding & changing but other than that, EVERY night has been awful! Im exhausted!

We had him on Cow & Gate formula with tommee tippee bottles but the milk kept going really frothy, so we changed the bottles...it still did it.

So then we changed the milk to SMA gold and he was still just as unsettled. So then we bought new bottles (Dr Browns Anti Colic), but he was still the same. Always appearing either windy or hungry!

Some friends recommended trying hungry baby milk, but this just made him constipated and worsened the problem because he was now even more agrravated.

So then we tried Aptamil because I heard that SMA was too rich for alot of babies but he didnt like it. He'd just screw his face up and only drink about 30ml before refusing anymore but then becoming hungry again very shortly.

So now we have him back on the C & G because thats what he seemed happiest drinking, with the Dr Browns bottles but its making absolutely no difference!

He was drinking 210ml every 4 hours. Then that got shortened to 3 hours because he was so agitated, but now he's only taking 120ml (if we're lucky!!), every 1hr30 to 2hrs...3 if we let him suck our little finger for a while! He has also started (in the last 36 hrs), doing the most collossal poo's EVERY time you're feeding him! Mid feed, he just lets out this massive bubbling pooey mess!!

I tried to call the health visitor who was about as much use as a chocolate teapot! She just told me to "think about his environment, is he too hot, too cold? Or think about his formula, is he on the right one for him? Come and get him weighed on Friday to check he's putting on weight" I know he's putting on weight, I can see & feel myself that he's putting on weight.

I felt like screaming down the phone at her...does she not think we've already tried all this over the last 4 weeks?!

I moved areas at the weekend, so its a new health visitor to us, and my old one (who I havent seen since Charlie was 2 weeks old because she found out I was moving and hasnt been interested since), suggested that we try keeping him awake during the day so that he's tired at night. We tried and tried but the little monkey decided he didnt want to be awake, he was going to sleep no matter what! So, I phoned my boyfriends doctors surgery and explained that baby and I moved here at the weekend and are going to be registering at their surgery this week but I need to see a doctor because he wont settle. The charming receptionist left me sitting on the end of the phone in silence for ages and then finally said "well, I suppose we can see him as a temporary resident!"

We've also tried using Infacol but that just upset his tummy and made his wind worse, and we've tried winding him in every possible position, putting him in his car seat, cuddling him, leaving him, raising his head slightly, putting him on one of my pillows so that it smells of me but NOTHING seems to work.

Im exhausted and I dont know what else to do.

Please please please can someone come up with some answers?!
I've been using gripe water on charley and that's helped loads! He now drinks more but also goes longer between feeds, around 4 hours! I know what you mean about trying to keep them awake, my charley refuses to stay awake unless it's dark outside! Hope he gets better soon x x
hey lovely sorry to hear you're having a hard time. we had a similar problem with joshua he would scream ALL day litrrally and noone ever believed us for ages! He just would never ever settle exhaust himself and then sleep quite a qhile during the night but till suffer. And his cry was definitely that of pain/discomfort. Eventually our HV saw straight after a feed when he continued screaming and suggested he might be allergic to the milk, which if you have tried everything out there might explain why theres no change in him. Potentialy i tcould be a lactose and/or a cows milk intolerance. Our HV prescribed colief to break down the lactose but it didnt work and so prescribed Nutramigen Lipil milk (number 1). It worked wonders and now joshua is a cmopletely diffferent baby. Potentially its worth a try. Be warned the milk is expensive if not on prescription (approx 23 quid a pot) however it might be worth buying one to try it and then ask for a prescrip if it works...

Its just an idea as its what we experienced,

Hope you get it sorted soon, Sophie

Ps, if you do try the nutramigen you may find it needs mixing in with regular milk to slowly get him used to the flavour as believe me it STINKS! also it sorted out his poos! it can take a little while (48hrs) to show a full effect....

Please let us know how you get on!
i havent a clue hun but really didnt wanna read and run... suggestion no.1 for me is cud yous do night about and other person sleep in different room so at least every other night yous are getting a half decent nights sleep??

does he sound like hes ever gulping cos it sounds like he has silent reflux... which is where they dont vomit but the acid n there stomach is very painful for them?? he defo needs to see a gp whos interested cos thats not normal and the wee mite could be in pain :hugs: xxx
Aw darling! Poor him and poor you!!! x I would definately go back to the gp or hv and make them listen to you! We tried gripe water but it did bugger all so Sebastian's back on infacol but there's also dentinox (which sounds like a mouthwash to me) and colief x tbh I thought maybe it's something to do with his milk like an allergy x
Poor you. You need to keep on at your health visitor and doctor. Have you tried aptamil comfort, it's for the management of colic and is easier to digest, has half the lactose of normal milk and the milk protien is more broken down. Does your LO have diohhrea (can't spell!), if so it could be an intolerance to lactose or milk protien? Zach needed to be held constantly when he was awake, otherwise he would scream, the first 6weeks were so tough. We put him on aptamil comfort and he was a different baby, really content. I really hope you find something that works xxx
:hug: been there and it really is hell. We finally settled on giving our LO Aptimil colic and constipation with colief drops in. Theyre really expensive and we cant really afford it but Im using my credit card to buy it cos honestly its a miracle.

Youre LO could be lactose intollerant which causes bad stomach cramps and colic. The Aptimil colic and constipation is reduced in lactose and then the colief drops get rid of the rest. I wish Id just tried it from day 1, infacol is just a waste of time!
Ask if u can get a prescription for colief. We did x
tiny - u can get colief on script - ring ur gp!! theyre so dear xx
Ive already asked and she wouldnt give me one. Told me to buy infacol cos its cheaper :doh:
Can u nt tell her u think its lactose in milk? Colief breaks it down so its easy to digest=happy baby!
well, we're back from the doctors and she seems to think its acid reflux so we've been given infant gaviscon and got to let her know how we get on. if it doesnt help, ill speak to her about a lactose intolerance. little mans finally asleep, hes exhausted himself, so its bed time for us!
Good luck with the gaviscon, let us know how u get on xxx
This is really bad, I have never had an issue getting colief, I was getting 4 at a time to save me going back and forth for scripts. I thought you had tried infacol? (ps, I saw colief in home bargains for about 3 quid last week) :flower:

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i think i cud b a gp hehe!! hope he settles for u hun xxx
This is really bad, I have never had an issue getting colief, I was getting 4 at a time to save me going back and forth for scripts. I thought you had tried infacol? (ps, I saw colief in home bargains for about 3 quid last week) :flower:

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seriously?? £3???? Im gonna have to get down there!
It was definitely below £3 last week there, have just checked with DH x

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Hi there,

My little one is on Neocate milk which is for babies who are lactose intolerant and who have other allergies - the best bit is that it is free because it is prescription milk! I also put Dentinox in her milk and use Dr Browns and she feeds, burps and sleeps like a dream- I'd definitely recommend the combination!

Good luck! x
I never realised how common lactose intolerance was in babies! x

Didn't know you could put dentinox in their milk! x
Well, Charlie has now had 5 doses of Gaviscon and he is MUCH happier! He's a happy, settled baby for the first time ever!!!!

Im absolutely over the moon and even managed to get some sleep last night. It takes a while to feed & wind him because we've been told to keep him upright for at least 30 mins after he finishes his milk so it can take up to an hour and a half before he's back down again but at least he is actually sleeping peacefully!

So peacefully infact, that he slept for 5 1/2 hours between his feeds this morning!!!!!!!!

I am one happy lady!

Its amazing how much of a difference a couple of hours sleep can make!!!

I just really hope tonight is as good!


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